New Admission 2020-21 in Primary, Elementary and High Schools SED

Government of the Punjab, School Education Department has issued Notification on 26-06-2020 in connection with New Admission 2020-21 in Primary, Elementary, and High Schools SED. The details are as under:


New Admission 2020-21 in Punjab Schools


I am directed to refer your note dated 25-06-2020 on the subject cited above and to state that Govt. Of Punjab, School Education Department vide Notification No.SO(A-1)1-31/2008 dated 10-06-2020, has already promoted the students of public and private schools (Primary and elementary level) to the next higher classes without annual examination in the wake of coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19).

  1. Your attention is invited tower Educational Calendar in vogue regarding the promotion of students and study scheme at the start of each academic session/year. School Education Department has already allowed admin offices of all public and private schools to remain open vide letter No.SO(A-1)1-31/2008 dated 29.05.2020 (copy enclosed) on every Monday and Tuesday to run the day to day affairs, after approval of the Competent Authority, observing complete SOPs.
  2. Therefore, it is requested to take necessary action regarding admission of students/distribution od books and complete the exercise up to 15 July 2020 positively by adopting all coda formalities and in the light of SOPs communicated from time to time regarding COVID-19 pandemic. A compliance report in the matter may be submitted to the Administrative Department on 16th July 2020.


New Admission 2020-21 in Punjab Schools


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