Maximum Limit Ceiling on Encashment of LPR and Commuted Value of Pension

Government of Sindh, the Finance Department has issued Notification on 08-07-2020 in connection with Maximum Limit / Ceiling on Encashment of LPR and Commuted Value of Pension. The details are as under:


I am directed to refer to this department’s letter of even number dated 17th February 2020 on the subject noted above and to forward herewith the detail of estimated expenditure/limit as Commuted Value of Pension and Superannuation Encashment of L.P.R of each object in each district for the financial year 2020-21 to maintain the financial discipline.

  1. The limit/ceiling on the encashment of L.P.R and Commutation payments of each district has been set on the basis of previous years’ expenditure trend. However, minor differences (less than Rs.500,000/- with a total limit) may be adjusted to avoid delay and in case of extra requirement in any district, the matter may be referred to the Finance Department for permission/adjustment. The payments of Pension (Self/Family) are not to be stopped as the limit is not meant for these heads. It is also to be noticed that all cases, relating to Commutation and Encashment of L.P.R, are required to be resolved on a first come first served basis after resolving all pending cases on a priority basis.
  2. The finance department will review the expenditure on a regular basis to overcome the discrepancies if any.

Special Thanks to Mr. Muhammad Bux Saleem Khaskheli for sending a copy of the Notification of Maximum Limit / Ceiling on Encashment of LPR and Commuted Value of Pension.

See also  Notification Increase Pension 2017 by Federal Government


Maximum Limit Ceiling on Encashment of LPR and Commuted Value of Pension


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