Notification of Revision Utility Allowance to District Judiciary Punjab

Government of the Punjab, Finance Department has issued Notification on 30-07-2020 in connection with Revision Utility Allowance to District Judiciary Punjab. The details are as under:


Revision Utility Allowance to District Judiciary Punjab



In continuation of this department’s letter No.FD.SR-1/9/99 dated 13.08.2008, No. FD.SR-1/9-1/99(P), dated 01.09.2009 and, No. FD.SR-1/9-1/99(P), dated 03.10.2009, the competent authority i.e. Chief Minister, Punja b under Article 240(b) of the constitution has been pleased to revise the rates of Utility Allowance in favour of officers/officials of the district Judiciary in the Punjab w.e.f. 01.07.2020 as under:


Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan & Mr. Junaid Sattar Butt for sending the copy of the Notification of Utility Allowance to Officials and Officers of Judiciary.


Table of previous and new rates of Utility Allowance


Sr. No. Designation /BPS The current rate of Utility Allowance (Rs.) Revised rate of Utility Allowance (Rs.)
1. BS-01 to BS-06 3,000 6,000
2. BS-07 to BS-08 4,000 6,000
3. BS-09 to BS-14 4,000 8,000
4. BS-15 4,000 10,000
5. BS-16 4,000 14,000
6. BS-17 5,000 15,000
7. BS-18 5,000 20,000
8. BS-19 8,000 25,000
9. BS-20 & above 8,000 30,000


Notification of Revision Utility Allowance to District Judiciary Punjab


The Finance Department has sent a copy of this Notification to Registrar Lahore High Court. They have also sent a copy to all the District & Seccion Judges in Punjab province.


For the information of the employees and pensioners, Sindh Government has recently issued Notification Payment of Salary, Pension, GP Fund etc. The same benefits the Government postponed till this financial year.

See also  Notification of Revision of Management Position Scales

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One thought on “Notification of Revision Utility Allowance to District Judiciary Punjab

  1. This is totally not justified and a clear cut favor to only some of those who are already getting handsome salaries and one of such case CSP Saqib Nisar have told some BS-19 officer that my driver take more salary than you?????? this is matter of thinking and point to consider for our rulers, why they only keep on feeding the already filled stomach of judiciary??? for God sake treat all equally, everybody need this so called utility allowance as all are facing huge inflation and price rise of each and everything?? Judiciary must also think that by taking this kind of extra-ordinary benefits they are also not earning good name for themselves. We therefore strongly demand and request all the Provincial/Federal Govt to kindly give same kind of utility allowances of all employees so all can live with peace of mind.


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