Regularization of Services of Officials Working on Contract Basis Pakistan Post

Pakistan Post, Directorate General Pakistan Islamabad has issued Notification on 30-07-2020 in connection with Regularization of Services of Officials Working on Contract Basis against deceased/Disable Quota. The details are as under:


Regularization of Services of Officials Working on Contract Basis



In pursuance of the orders contained in the Director-General, Pakistan Post Islamabad’s letter No. ER. 10-6-2019 dated 25-4-2019 & 29-05-2019 and consequent upon recommendations by the Department Selection Committee and approved by the competent authority, the services of the following officials are hereby regularized against the posts they are already holding on contract basis against Deceased / Disable quota with effect from 23-04-2020.


SI. No Name of employee Cadre / BPS Date of engagement Qualification Domicile
1. Syed Ali Mohsin Assistant (BPS-15) 08-07-2015 RSC Islamabad
2. Mrs. Asia Qadeer Assistant (BPS-15) 01-02-2019 B-Corn Rawalpindi
3. Mst. Sayeeda Kaleem Assistant (BPS-15) 17-05-2019 B.A Islamabad
4. Mr. Kashif Ali UDC (BPS-11) 01-09-2015 B-Com Islamabad
5. Mr. M. Zahid LDC (BPS-09) 16-09-2014 F.A Islamabad
6. Mr. Atif Saeed LDC (BPS-09) 22-01-2018 B-Com Islamabad
7. Mr. Qayyum Ahmad LDC (BPS-09) 09-05-2018 Metric Islamabad
8. Mr. Mazhar Rafiq Naib Qasid (BPS-01) 17-12-2019 Middle Islamabad


  1. The regularization of the services of the above officials is subject to the following conditions:-

i) The Metric/Inter/Bachelors Certificate will be verified from concerned Boards. In case the educational documents are found not verified/genuine their services may be terminated.

ii) The pay of the above-named officials will be re-fixed in their respective pay scales by counting the period of their contract service and by protecting their pay already being drawn by them.

See also  Notification 5% Quota for Transgender People in BPS-01 to BPS-15 Jobs in KPK

iii) They will be given with effect from the date of regularization of their services i.e. 23-04-202 in accordance with Section-02 of the Civil Servant Seniority rules-1993.



Regularization of Services of Officials Working on Contract Basis Pakistan Post



Special Thanks to Miss Huma Doll who sent a copy of the Notification of the Regularization of the employees of Pakistan Post.


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