Ban in Punjab on Upgradation of the Posts & Restriction of Contingent Paid Staff

Government of the Punjab, Finance Department has issued Notification on 27-08-2020 in connection with Ban in Punjab on Upgradation of the Posts & Restriction of Contingent Paid Staff. In this regard, FD Punjab issued Notification regarding Austerity/Economy Measures for the Financial Year 2020-21. The details are as under:


Ban in Punjab on Upgradation of the Posts 2020-21


Ban on Up-gradation of Posts: There shall be a complete ban on all types of up-gradation of posts except the powers delegated under Delegation of Financial Powers Rules, 2016.


Contingent Paid Staff


The offices can hire Contingent Paid Staff only in extremely emergent cases. According to powers specified in delegation of Financial Powers Rules, 2016 the department will appoint the staff. However, departments shall remain within the budgetary allocations for the purpose under object head “A01277-Contingent Paid Staff”. Moreover, no additional funds as supplementary grant shall be provided for this head during financial year 2020-21.  The Department will allow / made no re-appropriation without recommendation of the Austerity Committee.


Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan who sent the copy of the Notification of Ban on Upgradation of the Posts and restriction of the staff paid out of contingent. The staff, the department will uprade where is much necisity etc. In the same way the contingent paid staff they will appoint where much necisity.



Ban in Punjab on Upgradation of the Posts








See also  Notification of Upgradation Lady Health Supervisors and LHW Health Department Balochistan

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