FBISE HSSC Registration 2020-2022 Revised Notification

Federal Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Islamabad has issued Revised Notification on 31-08-2020 in connection with FBISE HSSC Registration 2020-2022. The details are as under:


Amended Schedule FBISE HSSC Registration 2020-2022


Schedule of Admission in class XI


Last date of admission in class first year = 30-09-2020

Admission with special prior permission = upto 12-10-2020

Date of receipt of registration return online forms = 22-10-2020


Important Instructions


The Head of Institution shall be solely responsible for communication of complete and accurate particulars of the students, i.e. spellings of name, percentage and placement of correctly scanned recent photograph (preferably in current College Uniform) etc. as these particulars shall be treated as full and final; and will be exhibited on all the documents / certificates issued by the Board.

Mere registration of a candidate shall not entitle him / her to appear in an examination. He/She must fulfill the conditions laid down for the eligibility to sit an examination. The Board reserves the right to cancel the registration of a candidates at any stage if it is found that the particulars provided are false.

Registration Numbers of the candidates already registered with FBISE at SSC level will remain the same/valid on payment of renewal fee. However, candidates migrating from other Boards to FBISE at HSSC level shall be allotted fresh registration numbers/ cards.

It is excepted that all stakeholders i.e. heads of instructions and students etc will follow the SOPs of government regarding Covid-19 while processing the registration data.

See also  BISE DG Khan Admission Forms Schedule 9th and 10th Exams 2023


The students can read more details at the copy of the Notification of amended schedule of Federal Board. This Notification relates to registration for intermediate for the session 2020-22. The students/teachers should check / read the instructions carefully. They should fill the online Data with utmost care. They should especially check the Date of Birth, Name and father Name and spellings of these.


FBISE HSSC Registration 2020-2022 Revised Notification


Federal Board Registration date Extended



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