Time Scale Personal Upgradation BPS-16 & Above Punjab Updates

Government of the Punjab, School Education Department has issued a letter on 17-09-2020 in connection with further clarification Time Scale Promotion / Time Scale Personal Upgradation BPS-16 & Above Punjab SED. The details are as under:


Time Scale Personal Upgradation BPS-16 & Above


I am directed to refer to your letter No.  4016/ Admn-(Male)-4 dated 13.07.2020 on the subject cited above and to enclose herewith a copy of the letter No. FD.PC.40-12/2017(649/20) dated 20.08.2020 received from Section Officer (PC), Finance department containing the following advice regarding time scale promotion/time scale personal up-gradation of the officers (BS-16 and above):

In the previous Notification by the Finance Department Government of Punjab, the orders of the Time Scale Personal Promotion to employees of BPS-16 and above, the Department canceled. They also decided to recover the overpayment made to officers in this regard. According to the latest updates, the department has asked the number of teachers who have already availed this benefit.

I am, further, directed to request you to offer your considered view/comments on this advice of the Finance Department. And also intimate how many teachers have been granted the benefit of time scale promotion/time scale up-gradation within days positively. Let’s wait for further updates in this regard. For the information of the teachers, the School Education Department earlier sought clarification on the matter. The Finance Department orders for withdrawl of Notification of TSP and recovery of payment on 20-08-2020.


Time Scale Personal Upgradation BPS-16

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One thought on “Time Scale Personal Upgradation BPS-16 & Above Punjab Updates

  1. What if a contractual employee has been regularized on the same post and scale after 9 years. Is he/she been able to get time scale after 1 (9+1) year of regularization.


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