Grant of Increase in the Allowances of Doctors 2020

The government of Pakistan, Finance Division (Regulation Wing) has issued a Notification on 01-10-2020 in connection with the Grant of Increase in the Allowances of Doctors 2020. The details of the same are as under:

Grant of Increase in the Allowances of Doctors 2020

The undersigned is directed to refer to M/o National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination’s O/M No. 10-368/2019-H-I dated 01.10.2020 on the subject noted above and to enclose herewith duly signed sanction letter (No. 11) in original.

Encl above: (original signed Sanction)


Grant of Grant of Increase in the Allowances of Doctors 2020


Enhancement Non-practicing Allowance and Special Healthcare


I am directed to convey the sanction of the President for Grant/revision of following allowances with immediate effect to the fulfillment of the eligibility  criteria defined/prescribed in Key Performance indicators in respect of doctors serving in Federal Hospitals namely the Pakistan Institution of Medical Sciences (PIMS), Federal Government Polyclinic (FGPC), national institute of Rehabilitation Medicines (NIRM) and Federal General Hospital (FGH) under the administrative control of National Health Services, Regulations, and Coordination:


Description Allowances Basic Pay Scale of Doctors Existing Rate (in Rs.) Revised Rate
Non-practicing Allowance BS-19, 20 & 21


6000 50% of the initial basic pay of 2018
BS-17 & 18 4000 75% of the initial basic pay of 2018
Special Healthcare Allowance BS-19, 20 & 21 50% of the initial basic pay of 2018
BS-17 & 18 75% of the initial basic pay of 2018

  1. The expenditure will be met from within sanction budget under Head of Account 07- Health, 073-Hospital Services, 0731-General Hospital Services, 073101-General Hospital Services under Object Head A01-Employees Related Expenses, A012-Allowances, A012-Allowances, A012-1-Regular Allowances, A01252-Nono-Practicing Allowance and A0122P-Special Healthcare Allowance for the CFY-2020-21 under demand No.124-other Expenditure of NHS, R&C fro above-mentioned Hospitals.
  2. This has the approval of the Prime Minister Office’s u.o No.2154/SPM/19 dated 19.08.2019.


Increase in Non Practicing and Special Healthcare Allowance

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