Re-Fixation of Pay by Using Option after Allowing Annual Increment

I shall explain here all the situations here for the Re-Fixation of Pay by Using Option after Allowing Annual Increment. This situation may face every employee during his / her service. If the employee is promoted/upgraded/reappointed after 1st June to 30th November, he/she must have to think about his pay fixation. The employee may have a loss till her/his service and even during his pension if his/her pay is not correctly fixed by the accounts office.


Re-Fixation of Pay by Using Option after Granting Annual Increment

                There are many employees who faced this issue and ultimately had to bear a loss of increment. If the employee is promoted, upgraded, or re-appointed from lower to higher scale through proper channel on or before 1st June then there is no issue. But if the situation occurs after 1st June then there may be an issue.

Examples of Re-Fixation of Pay


Let’s explain the situation with examples.


Suppose an employee gets a promotion on 15th June 2020 from BPS-07 to BPS-11. His basic pay in BPS-07 was 19530/- as on 14-6-2020, let’s fix his/her pay with option and without option.


Without Option


Sr. No Date Pay Remarks
1 Pay on 14-06-2020 19530/- BPS-07
2 Pay on 15-06-2020 19610/- BPS-11 Next Above
3 Pay on 15-06-2020 20490/- BPS-11 (1x Premature Increment)
4 Pay on 01-12-2020 20490/- NO Annual Increment as the employee did not complete 6 months of service in BPS-11


In this example, the employee fixed his / her pay on 15-06-2020 without using the option. He / She will get the benefit of pay and allowances with effect from his pay fixation i.e 15th June 2020. But the employee will not get the annual increment on 1st December as he/she has not completed a continuous service of six months on 1st December.  So the employee gets benefits of pay and allowances from his/her promotion date but will not get the annual increment. This annual increment is the loss for him/her throughout his/her service.

See also  Notification of Enhancement of Governor’s House Allowance


With Option


Sr. No Date Pay Remarks
1 Pay on 14-06-2020 19530/- BPS-07
2 Pay on 30-11-2020 19530/- BPS-07
3 Pay on 01-12-2020 20140/- BPS-07 (Annual Increment)
4 Pay on 01-12-2020 20490/- Pay Fixed in BPS-11 (Next  Above)
5 Pay on 01-12-2020 21370/- BPS-11 Premature Increment


In this example the pay of the employee they will fix after the annual increment. He/She will get the benefits of promotion after annual increment but not from the actual date of the promotion. So the employee will get the loss of pay and allowances for wef 15th June to 1st December. But eventually, he/she will get more basic pay that will be worth for whole of his /her service. In 1st Example, they fixed the pay of the employee Rs. 20490/- while in 2nd example they fixed the pay as 21370/- So the employee gets 1x increment benefit by just sacrificing a few months’ pay and allowances.

Note: There may occur in a few cases that the fixation is the same by using options and without using the option. In such cases, it is better the employee may not use the option. For Federal Government employees, they can use this option on promotion, up-gradation, and re-appointment. Federal Government employees can use option for fixation of pay on reappointment from lower to higher pay scale. While the case may differ for provincial employees except on promotion. On promotion, all Pakistan employees can use this option.


Re-Fixation of Pay by Using Option after Allowing Annual Increment





See also  Clarification With Regard to Grant of Medical TA / DA for Non Referral Cases

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99 thoughts on “Re-Fixation of Pay by Using Option after Allowing Annual Increment

  1. Sir,
    I was appointed on 30-11-2017 in bps-11 (supply assistant) in modp and promoted in bps-12 on 11-09-2024 and get option. How my pay fixation will be made.

    Question no. 2
    Kindly also inform if I will given one step current upgradation ( for all federal employees except clerical staff because they are upgraded)
    Then how my pay will effect.

      1. After annual increment 0f bps-11 basic is 30440. According to your reply premature increment of bps-12 RS. 1430 total basic become RS. 31870.
        This amount is not part of basic chart. My question is that what more action will be done for fixation. Please reply

  2. IAM a sst teacher since 2018 and my basic pay is 37110 now IAM selected as lecturer in public service commission through proper what will be next procedure and how my pay will effect?

  3. I am promoted from EST ( bps.15 P.S 7 Rs.37780) to SST BPS-16 and joined on 20-06-2023. Can i use the option? will i get Rs.37780 till 30-11-2023? I am from Punjab. Is there any notification about it as district accounts office is not accepting this logic.n

  4. in July An regular employee get promoted from 17 scale THQ hospital and appointed in 18scale at DHQ hospital where House rent allownce is more (Rs.4433 for 17scale at THQ and Rs.6650 at DHQ for 17th scale)and an extra allownce called uniform/wardi allownce is admissible.using option is beneficial for him/her.if he/she uses option his pay will remain in previous scale till 1st December.My Question is will he get House rent as per LPC of previous place of posting or his House rent of July to December will be increased as per new place of posting.And will he get Uniform (wardi) allownce from July to December as this allownce was not permissible at her previous place of posting but is permissible at the new assignment.

  5. Please Tell me about
    same condition apply??????????????????????????????? Please Please
    15-06-2019 BPs-04
    16-06-20219 BPs-05

  6. If an employee promoted from BPS 17 to BPS 18 on 20/11/2022 and he was willing to avail “Option” facility from 01/12/2022 for pay fixation, then, in this case, whether he would submit his joining to higher post BPS 18 w.e.f. 20/11/2022 or the date of availing “Option” for pay fixation.

      1. Asslamo alaikum sir, I was Primary School Teacher Bps 09 2014 regular and joined through proper channel in same department of Govt of Sindh, as Junior elementary School Teacher Bps 14 on 25/07/2023…
        Can i use option ?

  7. Bs 2 to bs 11 in-service promotion 18.10.2022

  8. Sir, I am promoted to Senior Clerk BS-14 on 18-10-2022. can I use the option to refix my pay after allowing me annual increment of BS-11 on 01-12-2022? my basic pay was 42230 in BS-11 on 17-10-2022 and what are the benefits after refixation of pay after this option? it will be very helpful if you share that notification or rule of option. and last thing, whether this rule is now applicable or withdrawn.
    i will be very thankful for this favor.

  9. Respected sir,
    I was working as computer Operator BPS-16 in KP Mineral department till 25-09-2018. On 26-09-2018 I was selected as SST BPS-16 in KP Elementary and Secondary education department on contrat basis. Now my services are regularized from the date of initial appointment as SST. I had joined SST through proper channel. On 25-09-2018 my basic pay was 20430, and on SST I was given fresh initial pay 18910.
    Now my question is that can I exercise an option or not? How my pay will be fixed and how much increments I may b granted using option?

    1. You have to check whether you have benefits with option or without option. Your pay will not be fixed at the initial if the previous service was also regular. Then ur pay will be fixed as per the LPC of ur previous job.

      1. Sir my previous service was regular. Sir can you please write me the entries to be made in my ledger account in account office because auditor don’t know how to do this. I shall be extremely thankful to you.

  10. sir i was appointed BPS-11 in 2010 and promoted through proper channel in BPS-12 about 2017 all my period as a contract bases and on dated 2017 when i promoted all 6 increment removed and reappoint initial stage now i am regular but not include previous 6 years increment kindly suggest me

  11. Sir we were given time scale promotion on 9 sep 2022, though we have completed the required service in March and April 2022. Now tell me is there any rule to get increment in that year in which pay revision is occurred or you suggest us to go to the court and they may give the order to grant us the increment as we have completed service before 31st May.

  12. Dear,
    If Superintendent (BPS-17) is promoted to Assistant Director (BPS-17) after 1st June 2022, he will be entitled to two increments on promotion but my question is whether he can exercise option that he may get annual increment in Superintendent (BPS-17) and then allowed two extra increments on 02.12.2022 as Assistant Director.
    so in total, he will get three increments.

  13. assalam-o-Alaikum sir.
    I was in bps-04 appointed 10-03-2015 and i apply through proper channel to another deptt and select in bps-11 on 04-08-2022. Now plz tell me about my pay rule plz

    1. You have to get from your department your previous pay protected and counting of the previous service. After the approval, your pay will be fixed next above plus one premature increment under the rules.

  14. I was appointed in BPS-15 in 02 August 2006 through proper channel in my same department after 10 years service in BPS-5. It came to my knowledge in year 2021 that annual increment of BPS-5 as admissible in the rules was not given to me at the time of fixation of pay in 2006. Therefore, application forwarded to accounts department for re-fixation of pay. However, same has been returned un-actioned stating that option for annual increment can only be exercised in the year in which an employee is promoted/appointed and not at later stages of service. Therefore, case cannot be entertained.

    Therefore, I am looking for such rules that indicate that the option for annual increment is time bound or not.

    Thanking you,


  15. Sir if an federal government employee of bps re-appointed in bps 09 through pepper channel in same ministry, is he illegible to avail pre mature after option

    Notification in this regard may be provided

  16. Aoa sir
    I was regularizes on 16.08.2012 and my basic pay was started from first stage. But in December 2012 I was given annual increment and still included in my pay. Is this annual increment applicable to me. Pls guide me.

  17. aslam o alikum
    Sir i have been promoted from bsp14 to bps 16 on 02_09_2021. If i use optional certificate where my basic pay will be fixed. Now my basic bay is 21,030/_

    Sir i am waiting for your reply. Thanks

  18. Jamil Ahmed Nizamani · Edit

    Will the fo2 to be filled only once on 1st december or before that change of post and grade fo2 is filled at the time of promotion?.An assistant professor who is promoted to the post of Associate professor on 15th september 2021 will he have to fill fo2 for the change of post, grade and cost center without pay fixation?

  19. dear, my service history (applying through proper channel) is as follows: –

    No.1 BPS-5 w.e.f 11/06/1998 to 16/12/2005 (over 7 years)

    No.2 BPS-12 w.e.f 17/12/2005 to 14/11/2006 (11 months)

    No.3 BPS-15 w.e.f 15/11/2006 to date & upgraded


    1) Entitled for pre-mature increment from Apptt No.2 to No.3 or not (rules pls)

    2) Entitled for exercising Option for re-fixation or not (rules pls)

      1. A.o.A sir hm log same scale m reappoint huwe hei same scale hein bps 11 9june k appointment ha wo hmein keh rahy hein ap reappoint huwe promotion ni huwi ap logo ki is leye ap ko option ni dein gy hm ny unhein ministry of finance k refrnce b dekhaya ha wo kehty h yeh sahe ni ha koi 2019 m reappointment sa related letter aya tha wo lao hm log dhond dhond k thak gy ni mil raha plz hmri help karein

  20. AOA
    I was promoted from grade 15 to 17. I joined on 1.9.2020. My pay was fixed in grade 17 by granting premature increment w.e.f 1.9.2020. But I was not granted annual increment on 1.12.2020. I am going to retire on 19.4.2021.

    Will annual increment be paid to me on my retirement ? If not can I use option of refixation of my pay in grade 17 w.e.f 01.12.2020 at this stage while 18 days left to my retirement.
    Your urgent guidance is required please.

          1. AOA
            On your good advice I had submitted my case for reification with option on 2.4.21 but the same has not been finalized and ag Office has informed that the same is under process. On the other hand I have gone retired on 19.4.21. Please advice that should I wait for finalization of my pay refixation or submit my pension paper by quoting the already drawing.
            What should I do please.

  21. Sir AoA!
    Hope this will find you all the best!
    My Q is that availing of such option on promotion can lose or affect the Seniority.
    Pls also share notification in this regard, if any.
    Thanks a lot.

    1. I had got the Time Scale Upgradation from BPS14 to BPS-16 as C/Asstt: on 01/07/2016. I opted for getting the Annual increment in my lower scale BPS-14 & then fixation in BPS-16 on 01/12/2016. Meanwhile, the post was upgraded on 10/10/2016 from BPS-14 to BPS- 15 & one time dispensation to BPS-16. My question is that after availing the Annual increment in lower scale BPS-14, whether I can get the benefits of both the up gradation I.e, the benefit of up gradation of post from BPS-14 to BPS-15 & BPS-16 (one time dispensation) & then Time Scale Up gradation to to BPS-16 on 01/12/2016.
      Please, tell me about the fixation method in this unique case.

  22. A.o.A Sir,
    Sir I m promoted from UDC bps-11 to Assistant bps-15. Promotion date is 6 Nov 2020. My running pay in bps-11 is Rs. 14330, and initial pay of bps-15 is Rs. 16120. What should I do to get premature increment. Someone said that you cannot re-fix your pay on 1 Dec 2020 as after getting annual increment on 1 Dec in bps-11 your pay in the next stage remains same as Rs. 16120

    1. Just try
      Pay on 30-11-2020 Rs. 14330/- BPS-11
      Pay on 01-12-2020 Rs. 16120/- BPS-11 (Annual Increment) Using Option
      Pay on 01-12-2020 Rs. 17450/- Next Above BPS-15 On Promotion
      Pay on 01-12-2020 Rs. 18780/- Premature Increment

  23. Please provide any notification,om, office order in this regard, because I have faced the same situation. I was appointed in a higher scale in the same organization on 26-08-2011. I have not aware of any option for fixation nor my organization told me about this. Now I have came to know through your post that any such option is available. Also please guide me if I move my application for annual as well as premature increment, so I will get the said benefits?

      1. sir please answer this question in detail I did not give option for premature increment in time due to unawareness on reappointment through proper channel in the same department in October 1998. In this way I could not got premature increment
        on reappointment . Now after passing 23 years I can apply for re-fixation on 1st December 1998 with the option to give me premature increment on 1st December 1998 . Is it possible ?

  24. Sir, Hope you are fine.

    My post was upgraded from BS-05 to BS-07 on 01-04-2019 and i appointed as a Stenotypist in BS-14 in 11-06-2019. After appointment in BS-14 my pay fixed with 1x premature increment but in december annual increment has been deducted. Am i eligible for annual increment bcoz i appointed through proper channel? Accounts office told that i already availed two increment in a year (First upgradation and second is premature increment from lower to uper scale).

    1. syed tanveer hussain Shah · Edit

      aoa sir. i have inspired alot with your website it has helped me for many purposes. it is highly appreciated always keep it up sir. it is also requested you to please guide me about the pay fixation for the federal government employees of grade 18 to 19 and 14 to 16 if they got promotion after 1st june,2020 with the help of an example, thanks.

        1. Aa.i was in bs 16 having pay 23470 and i was reapointed theough proper channel in 17 and take a charge on 28.8.2021.plz fix my pay.also wehther me wl b eligble for annual inceeamnt pl?ß

    2. Naveed Bhai same case mery sath bhi Howa h men 27/11/2018 ko bps 14 men select Howa agr ap ka case solve Howa to kindly contact karna 03454583729 03023866911 plz SMS karna

  25. السلام ا علیکم۔
    What is Presumptive Increment
    As per my information presumptive increment is for those employee who utilize the option of fixation at the time of promotion (in case of promotion after 30 June)

  26. What is the rule for pay fixation in case of promotion from higher to lower scale..? Premature incrementallowed or not?
    Premature increment on greater responsibilities/ duties allowed or not?

      1. Can i use the option certificate twice in calender year. One for my up gradation of post from 12 to 14 on 11 sep 20 and second promotion from bps 14 to 15 on 18 nov 20 to protect my annual increment. Plz advice


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