Updates as on 23-11-2020 for Closing of Schools (Educational Institutions)

I am sharing the latest Updates as on 23-11-2020 for Closing of Schools (Educational Institutions) for all over Pakistan. The all provincial education ministers and federal education ministers meeting held today on 23rd Nov 2020.  The committee finally decided as under:


Updates as on 23-11-2020 for Closing of Schools


Teachers, parents, and students waited for the 23rd November 2020 meeting impatiently. The willingness of most of the people was that the Government don’t close the schools. As they thought there was a loss of studies for the students. But the final decision was to made by the education ministers committee.


Final Decision


The final decision of the meeting is as under:


They have decided to close all educational institutions of Pakistan (Federal and Provincial) with effect from 26-11-2020 to 10-01-2021. All schools, colleges, universities, and tuition centers will observe these holidays.  Winter Holidays are from 26th Dec 2020 to 10th Jan 2021. The Educational institutions will conduct online classes wef 26th Nov 2020 to 25th Dec 2020.


Teachers Holidays & Annual Examinations


50% of Teachers will come to institutions on Monday and 50% on Thursday each week. There are chances that Annual Exams for Class 1st to 8th will conduct in March 2021. Board Classes Exams they will give in May / June 2021.


Updates as on 23-11-2020 for Closing of Schools (Educational Institutions)

Earlier on 23-11-2020


Federal Minister of Education Shafqat Mahmood chaired the meeting of International Education Ministers. Provincial Education Ministers and other relevant authorities participated in the meeting through video link.  Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government decides to take a position not to close educational institutions.

In ministers of education of all provinces, they have a proposal for one month closing of educational institutions. The proposals are to grant holidays to students from 25th Nov to 24th December 2020. They proposed to close all the examination that is ongoing. Shafqat Mahmood federal Education Minister told that they cannot compromise on the health of teachers and students.

See also  Promotion of Lab Supervisors (BPS-14) to the Rank of Lab Superintendents (BPS-16)
Decisions in Previous Meetings


Federal Government held a meeting of all education ministers and all other concerned. In the previous meeting on Monday on 16th Nov 2020, they did not decide to close the educational institutions. They left for a decision next Monday on 23-11-2020.

The government of Sindh has announced to follow the decision of NCOC as they earlier held a meeting to decide the closing of schools, colleges, and universities. They did not yet decide on holidays in schools as per their previous meeting. Now they will follow as the decision is for other provinces and Federal.

On 18-11-2020 Federal Education Minister announced that they have a proposal to close the educational institutions in three steps as under:


  • With effect from 24th Nov 2020                      Primary Schools
  • Wef 2nd Dec 2020                                            Middle Schools
  • From 15th Dec 2020                                         High/Higher Secondary Schools.

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