Revised Date Sheet AIOU Semester Spring 2020 BA, MA, ADC, PGD, B.Ed M.Ed etc Exams

Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad has issued a Notification on 05-01-2021 in connection with Revised Date Sheet AIOU Semester Spring 2020 BA, MA, ADC, PGD, B.Ed M.Ed, etc Exams. The details of the same are as under:


Revised Date Sheet AIOU Semester Spring 2020 BA / MA

This is with reference to the Date Sheets of BA and ADE/ADC/PGD//BS/B.Ed/M.Ed/MA/M.Sc (ODL  programs). Semester Spring 2020 notified vide this office notification # F.1-1/Spring-2020/Conduct/3456 & 3475, dated 05-10-2020 & 15-10-2020 respectively and Notification No.F.1-1/Spring-20/Conduct/3550, dated 24-11-2020.

As per the decision of the Federal government regarding re-opening of the educational institution with effect from 18th January 2021, the postponed examinations of the above-referred programs of Allama Iqbal Open University will now be restarting throughout Pakistan as per the following schedule:-

Old Date Revised/New Date Revised/ New Day
26-11-2020 18-01-2021 Monday
27-11-2020 19-01-2021 Tuesday
28-11-2020 20-01-2021 Wednesday
30-11-2020 21-01-2021 Thursday
01-12-2020 22-01-2021 Friday
02-12-2020 23-01-2021 Saturday
03-12-2020 25-01-2021 Monday
04-12-2020 26-01-2021 Tuesday
05-12-2020 27-01-2021 Wednesday
Old Date         Revised/New Date Revised/ New Day
07-12-2020 28-01-2021 Thursday
08-12-2020 29-01-2021 Friday
09-12-2020 30-01-2021 Saturday
10-12-2020 01-02-2021 Monday
11-12-2020 02-02-2021 Tuesday
12-12-2020 03-02-2021 Wednesday
14-12-2020 04-02-2021 Thursday
15-12-2020 06-02-2021 Saturday
16-12-2020 08-02-2021 Monday


The exam time and venue remain the same. Revised Roll # slips will be sent to all concerned students and uploaded on the AIOU website.


Directorate of Public Relations Circular


Open University has released a new schedule of postponed exams. Postponed exams 18 starting from January.
Islamabad 6 January () Allama Iqbal Open University has announced the government to open schools, colleges, and universities across the country for BA / ADE / ADC / PGD A new schedule has been released for the re-examination of postponed papers of / BS / B Ed / M Ed / MA and MSC (ODL Programs). Examination Department has issued a regular post last day in this context. New dates for all postponed papers have been registered. Notification postponed exams are resuming from 18 January. The full date has been provided on the University’s website. Students will be given according to controller exams. Submitting reviewed roll number slips. Students are also being informed about the new schedule by SMS. No change in examination centers and times. Student University regarding new dates for postponed papers. You can also contact the nearest regional offices.


See also  Notification of Humanities Group Students Shall Not be Eligible for Admission in Science Group at HSSC

Revised Date Sheet AIOU Semester Spring 2020 BA, MA, ADC, PGD, B.Ed M.Ed etc Exams


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