Revised Profit on Deposit in National Savings Schemes wef 21-01-2021

For the information of the visitors, it is stated that Profit on Deposit in National Savings Schemes wef 21-01-2021 has been revised. In this respect, National Savings has issued a revised Notification.


Revised Profit on Deposit in National Savings Schemes wef 21-01-2021



Special Servings Certificates



Profit No. 1 to 5




7.6% per annum


Rs.3,900 per Rs.100,000(per half year)


Profit no. 1 to 6 (last)8.6% per annumRs.4,400 per Rs.100,000(per half year)
Profit paid after every six months
Subject to deduction of withholding tax and Zakat as per rules.
          Special Servings Accounts



Profit No. 1 to 5



7.6% per annum


Rs.3,900 per Rs.100,000(per half year)

Profit no.  6 (last)8.6% per annumRs.4,400 per Rs.100,000(per half year)
Profit paid after every six months
Subject to deduction of withholding tax and Zakat as per rules.
Defences Savings Certificates
3.Value of certificate of Rs.100,000/- after completion of


Value of certificate of Rs.100,000/- after completion of


Year 1104,000Year 6146,000
Year 2109.000Year 7163,000
Year 3115,500Year 8185,000
Year 4123,000Year 9212,000
Year 5133,000Year 10246,000
Subject to deduction of withholding Tax and Zakat as per rules
Regular income Certificates.


Rs.750/- per 100,000/- per month (Profit paid on monthly basis)
Subject to deduction of withholding Tax as per rules
Savings Accounts (Un-Change)


5.50% per annum subject to deduction of withholding tax & zakat as per rules

Pensioners benefit Account

Only for retired Govt. employees
Rs.940/- Per Rs.100,000/- Per month (Profit paid on monthly basis)
Mini Limit of Rs.100,000/- & Max. Limit of Rs.5,000,000/-
Aggre.11.28% per annum

Behbood Savings Certificates


Only for widows and senior citizens of Pakistan (above than 60% year of age)
Rs.940/- Per Rs.100,000/- Per month (Profit paid on monthly basis)
Mini Limit of Rs.100,000/- & Max. Limit of Rs.5,000,000/-
Aggre.11.28% per annum
Shudha Family Welfare Account
Only for Shahuda Families Members
s.940/- Per Rs.100,000/- Per month (Profit paid on monthly basis)
Aggre.11.28% per annum


Short-Terms Savings Certificates

STSC (3 Months) Rs.1,690/- Per Rs.100,000/-
The STSC (6 Months) Rs.3,410/- Per Rs.100,000/-
STSC (1 Year) Rs.6,920/- Per Rs.100,000/-
Subject to deduction of withholding Tax as per rules.


Revised Profit on Deposit in National Savings Schemes wef 21-01-2021

See also  Notification GP Fund Interest Rates Punjab 2017-18

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