Notification of Regularization Policy 2021 for Daily Wages Employees of Punjab

Government of the Punjab, Services and General Administration Department (Regulations/O&M Wing) has issued a Nitrification on 22-01-2021 in connection with Regularization Policy 2021 for Daily Wages Employees of Punjab.


Regularization Policy 2021 for Daily Wages Employees


As regards the management of the work-charged employees, daily wagers, and contingent paid staff employee’s currently working with various departments, the following policy provisions are laid down:

  • The cases where services of work-charged, daily wage, and contingent paid employees have already been regularized as civil servants through the wrong interpretation of court judgments MAY be reconsidered in the light of relevant laws under which such judgment was passed. As the matter involves interpretation of court rulings, the opinion from the Law & Parliamentary Affairs Department would be obtained in each such case. If after proper security of the case, it transpires that the regularization of work-charged services as civil servants was not warranted by Court decisions/orders, fresh orders shall be issued strictly in accordance with the terms directed by Courts.
  • The cases already decided by the Higher Courts or Labour Courts which have attained finality shall be disposed of accordingly.
  • All those employees who have completed 09 months or more may be considered for the status of permanent workmen in terms of Industries & Commercial Employment (Standing Orders) Ordinance, 1968. They shall be entitled to all the rights and benefits of permanent workmen.
  • The work-charged, contingent paid, and daily wage workers who possess requisite skillsets/qualifications may be considered for the status of permanent workmen. However, where no bring criteria have been formulated, they may be ‘named’ in the first instance.
  • To be continued and you can read the details in PDF format. The visitors can also print the same easily.
See also  Notification of Upgradation of Clerical Posts Azad Jammu & Kashmir


Special thanks:


  • Mr. Hamza Nadeem
  • Mr. Muhammad Touqeer
  • Ch Muhammad Saleem
  • Mr. Ghulam Muhammad


Download Full Notification of POlicy for Workcharged Employees



Regularization Policy 2021 for Daily Wages Employees of Punjab

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6 thoughts on “Notification of Regularization Policy 2021 for Daily Wages Employees of Punjab

  1. There isn’t any file in the link you shared. named( Download full notification of policy for work charge employees) when i tried to open that link i fall in your home page.. is it a promotio😂n @GW

  2. AOA …There are 25 Work Charge employes in Settlement & Rehabilitation Wing, Board of Revenue, Punjab, Farid Kot House, Lahore since more then 25 years but still not regularize
    and also not entertaining to regularize up till now after the issuance of S&GAD Notification dated 29-01-2021


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