Notification of Abolishment 149 Town Committees having less than 50000 Population

Government of the Punjab, Local Government, and Community Development Department has issued a Notification on 12-02-2021 in connection with Abolishment 149 Town Committees having less than 50000 Population. The details are as under:


Abolishment 149 Town Committees having less than 50000 Population

Whereas section 15 of the Punjab Local Government Act, 2019 has been amended vide the Punjab Local Government (Amendment) Ordinance, 2021 and consequently 149 Town Committees, having a population less than fifty thousand (50,000), stand abolished;

  1. Now, Therefore, the notifications dated 05.11.2019 regarding demarcation of local areas issued under section 8 of the PLGA, 2019 and notification dated 07.11.2019 for the constitution of local governments under section 15 of the PLGA, 2019 shall be deemed to have been an amendment in the manner that:

(i)   The local areas of the abolished Town Committee demarcated under section 8 of the PLGA, 2019 vide notifications dated 05.11.2019 for the respective districts shall be treated as part of the respective Tehsil Councils in the districts.

(ii) The names of Town Communities abolished by virtue of section 15 of the PLGA, 2019 shall be deemed to have been omitted from the notifications dated 07.11.2019 for the respective districts;

(iii) Population of the abolished Town Committees shall form part of the Population of the respective Tehsil  Council; and

(iv) The Tehsil Councils wherein the local areas of the Town Committee have been merged under section 15 of the PLGA, 2019, shall succeed all properties, officers and servants, rights funds, claims, or liabilities of the abolished Town Committee.

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Abolishment 149 Town Committees having less than 50000 Population



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