Notification of Disparity Reduction Allowance @ 25% When Federal, Punjab, KP, Sindh and Balochistan Govt will issue?

At this moment Notification of Disparity Reduction Allowance @ 25% has not yet issued by the Federal. Punjab, KP, Sindh, and Balochistan Governments. However, there are many fake notifications some people have shared on social media. There is also a notification of DRA or Adhoc relief allowance that is on social media. This Notification is not verified from any sources. The contents and the style of this notification prove it to be fake/bogus.


When Notification of Disparity Reduction Allowance @ 25% will be issued?


As per the information, the Federal Cabinet will likely approve the Disparity Reduction Allowance for the Federal Government employees @ 25% on Tuesday 16th February 2021. After approval of the DRA 2021 for Federal employees, the Finance Division will issue the Notification for the same.  I hope after the approval of the DRA-2021 Allowance by the Federal Cabinet and Notification by the Finance Division, the provincial Governments will issue the Notification.  So the Notification of the Federal Government is expected on 16-02-2021 or the next or couple of days after this.


What about Sindh Government?


Federal, Punjab, Balochistan, and KPK Governments did not grant ARA-2020 to their employees.  Only Sindh Government favored the Government employees and granted Adhoc Relief Allowance 2020 Sindh to its employees. The Sindh Government gave 5% to BPS-17 and above employees and 10% to BPS-01 to BPS-16 employees. What will happen now, will Sindh Government will grant 25% DRA allowance or 20% and 15%. For the clarification of the same, we have to wait.

See also  Approved Summary Provision of Health Risk Allowance @ One Running Basic Pay


Will the DRA @ 25% on Running Basic Pay or Initial Basic Pay?


This is the main question, the employees are asking. As per the previous routine, it should be on the running or current basic pay of the employees. There are many charts of increase in salary on social media but most of these are on the initial basic pay of the Revised Pay Scales 2017. The Government must increase the pay on the current running basic pay of the revised pay scales 2017. If the Government increases the same on the initial basic pay then it will be a meager amount that will actually from a 7% increase to 25%. The average increase for each employee will be 11%. So there will be an average increase of 11%, not 25%.



Notification of Disparity Reduction Allowance @ 25%

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12 thoughts on “Notification of Disparity Reduction Allowance @ 25% When Federal, Punjab, KP, Sindh and Balochistan Govt will issue?

  1. Dear Admin please clarify what about the employees of federal government universities? In our university we take salaries as per BPS-2017 notification and never has been granted any allowance equal to 100% of basic pay in freeze or any other form. Regards

  2. sir what about the employees of Federal universities? i am serving in a federal government university. in our university pay scales notified under BPS-2017 are applied and we all are beneficiaries of BPS-2107 pay notification. though we take ARA-2010, 2016 and 2017 in our pay as usual as notified by federal government. we are 100% entitle for DRA 25% because we have never been granted any allowance equal to 100% of basic pay as clarified in the DRA notification. But unfortunately the senior administration of our university intends to linger on the adoption of 25% DRA notification wit the pretext of clarification and its admissibility for public sector federal universities in Pakistan. your kind guidance is requested.

  3. What about the Provincial govt employese ?..are they included or not….plz guide us…or any chance of thier increase in this respect..?

    1. Suppose some one getting 4000 dra in grade 9 when he is upgraded in grade 15 what DRA he will get same 4000 of 9th grade or on 15th grade’s basic pay ?

  4. dear team members assalamoalekum! my question is that if the employees of punjab special education department are included in 25 percent increase?


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