Clarification Sought by Finance Division Regarding DRA-25% 2021

Government of Pakistan, Finance Division has issued a letter on 22-02-2021in connection with Clarification Sought by Finance Division Regarding DRA-25% 2021 (Disparity Reduction Allowance 2021). The details of the same are as under:


Clarification Sought by Finance Division Regarding DRA-25% 2021


Reference an article that appeared in a section of the press, it is clarified that the Federal Cabinet has approved a grant of “Disparity Reduction Allowance” @ 25% of the basic pay of BPS-2017 w.e.f. 1st March 2021, for those civil employees in BPS 1 to BPS 19 of the Federal Government who have never been allowed additional salary equal to or more than 100% of the basic pay or performance allowance.

There are a number of institutions/organizations of the Federal Government that have been previously granted additional allowances as 100% or more of the basic pay or performance allowance. The disparity reduction allowance aims at reducing the gap in the salaries of those already granted additional salary and those who have never been granted additional salary. The number of such employees who have never been granted additional salary is approximately 296,470 out of a total of 623,215 civilian employees.

This allowance has been granted as an interim arrangement till the finalization of recommendations of the Pay & Pension Commission. The Pay & Pension Commission has been asked to give its recommendations for revising the salaries of all federal government employees (civilian and Armed Forces), before the next budget so that salaries could be revised across the board for all Federal Government employees. The Commission has also been tasked to review the existing pension system of the Federal Government and give recommendations.

See also  30% Special Secretariat Allowance for KPK Secretariat Employees


Clarification Sought by Finance Division Regarding DRA-25% 2021



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Controller General of Accounts Letter dated 23-02-2021


The undersigned directs to enclose her with a copy of finance division (regulation wings) letter no.14(1)r-3/2021 dated 22-02-2021 on the above subject. It is requested to furnish requisite information to the finance division (regulation wings), Islamabad under intimation to this office by 24-02-2021.


Controller General of Accounts Letter dated 23-02-2021

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9 thoughts on “Clarification Sought by Finance Division Regarding DRA-25% 2021

  1. Respected Sir
    I have submitted multiple applications in defence Division.
    I’m disable person my right leg was amputated in CMH Rawalpindi Cantt during Army Service I was serving in 1st Army Aviation Mangla Cantt.
    During Army I was came Eid leave Since September 2011 at Road side one buffalo hit me and my right leg was broken with buffalo hit.
    Immediately some people shift me in CMH Sialkot Cantt.
    Dr was at Eid leave So not give me proper treatment soon.
    After five days Dr came and check me my leg was dead soon as soon transfer me in CMH Rawalpindi Cantt.
    During operation Dr amputated my leg above to the knee and again shift me in CMH Sialkot for further treatment.
    I was admitted my SQN authorities discharged me from service without any financial Assistance after my disability.
    I have written multiple applications to authorities but they are didn’t taking any action on my request.
    Please take action and issues my due benefits after my disability.

    I’m living in very poor condition in a rental house.
    Please take an action soon as soon possible
    Zubair Ali Aftab
    Village & P/office Kammanwala
    Tehsil & District Sialkot.

  2. Assalam o Alaikum.
    list of organizations not eligible for DRA (Annex-l)?
    Civilians of Pakistan Aeronautical Complex Board Kamra are eligible for DRA?

  3. Thanks for giving opportunity for comments, Sir, there are a deserving category called Pensioners drawing pension Rs.10000 to 12000 and also enable to additional labour for their family members, They have also daughters and sons who have been reached the age of marriage and jobless sons, in these hard days, they are suffering badly.But they have been totally ignored. The age of above 60-70 years is itself difficult, because every one is suffering in different deceases and have no sufficient earning for their treatment. There pension must be increased upto 200% plus Medical allowance not less than 10000.


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