Promotion Senior Bursars /EAD BPS-17 to Assistant Director/Superintendents

Government of the Punjab, Higher Education Department has issued a Notification on 24-02-2021 in connection with Promotion Senior Bursars /EAD BPS-17 and Assistants/Head Clerks BPS-16 to Assistant Director/Superintendents. The details are as under:


Promotion Senior Bursars /EAD BPS-17 to Assistant Director/Supdts

In pursuance of the recommendations of the Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) in its meeting held on 30.12.2020 and subsequent approval granted by the Competent Authority, the following Extra Assistant Director (EAD) / Senior Bursar, etc (BS-17) and Assistant/Head Clerk (BS-16) are hereby promoted to the rank of Assistant Director (BS-17) and Superintendents (BS-17) respectively, on regular basis, in their own cadre, with immediate effect.

  1. Upon this promotion as such they are hereby posted/adjusted against the place mentioned against each:-

Note: The inter-se-Seniority of the above-said officers shall remain intact irrespective of the date of joining of their new assignment.

Special thanks to Mrs. MN  Sheraz for sending the copy of the Notification of Promotion Senior Bursars /EAD BPS-17 to Assistant Director/Superintendents.

Bonus for You:


Whenever an employee promotes with the same scale, he/she gets two increments. One increment is next above and the 2nd one is a premature increment on promotion. So in the above case, the Extra Assistant Directors (EAD) and Senior Bursars will get two increments on their promotion.  The department has promoted these employees from BPS-17 to BPS-17. The said employees will get 2 increments on promotion within the same scale i.e BPS-17 to 17.


Promotion Senior Bursars BPS-17

Promotion Senior Bursars EAD BPS-17 to Assistant Director Superintendents

Promotion of Assistants

Promotion of Head Clerks

Promotion of Assistant Directors


See also  Notification of Promotion of Lab Assistants Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

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