Notification to Conduct Practical Examinations SSC and HSSC by FBISE Islamabad

Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Islamabad has decided to Notification to Conduct Practical Examinations SSC and HSSC 2021.


Conduct Practical Examinations SSC and HSSC



It is notified for information of all concerned that the FBISE has decided on the request of stakeholders to conduct the practical examination in the following subjects at SSC and HSSC levels as per routines.


SSC (Matric)


  1. a) Computer Science
  2. b) Art and Model Drawing
  3. c) All Technical Subjects


HSSC (Intermediate)


  1. a) Computer Science
  2. b) Library Science
  3. c) Outlines of Home Economics
  4. d) Fine Arts
  5. e) Pre-Home Economics Groups


This initiative has been taken in the wake of higher percentage weightage of the practical examinations in the subjects. It is, however, reiterated that a practical question paper will be designed on a similar old pattern (model).


Practical Examinations SSC and HSSC


Note: At earlier Federal Board of Islamabad had decided not to conduct the practical exams. But now it has to change its decision but for few subjects.

See also  BIE Karachi HSC-II Annual Result 2020 Science Pre-Medical and Medical Technology

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