AJK Disparity Reduction Allowance 2021 Updates

Azad Government of the State of Jammu & Kashmir has issued a letter on 05-03-2021 in connection with AJK Disparity Reduction Allowance 2021. The AJ&K Finance Department has sent this letter to the Accountant General,  Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Muzaffarabad. The details are as under:

AJK Disparity Reduction Allowance 2021 Updates


Please refer to the subject cited above, Federal Government has granted Disparity Reduction Allowance (DRA) to those employees of the Federal Government who have never been allowed Additional Allowance equal to or more than a Hundred Percent of basic pay (Whether frozen or not) or performance allowance. In AJK employees of certain departments are also getting various departmental allowance equal to or more than 100% of their basic pay.

In this regard, the undersigned is directed to convey that the list of departments that are allowed any additional allowance/allowance equal to or more than 100 percent of basic pay or performance allowance, may please be furnished to this office at the earliest.


AJK Disparity Reduction Allowance 2021 Updates


DRA 2021 by Provinces


For the information of the employees at this time, only Federal Government has issued the Notification of DRA 2021 @ 25% for its employees. FG has also issued clarification DRA 2021 on Running Basic Pay instead of initial basic pay. Federal Government has also directed the provinces to grant the same to their employees in this letter. However, no province has yet issued a Notification. There is only todays news that Chief Minister Punjab has approved the same. It is only news, it may be true or not. Let’s wait for a few days more for the implementation by the provinces.

See also  Grant of Professional Allowance Para Medical & Supporting Staff Health Department Sindh


DRA Punjab 2021


Special thanks: Mr. Ibrahim Mhd

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