Policy for Upgradation / Re-Designations of Posts by Federal Govt

Government of Pakistan, Establishment Division has issued various Notifications regarding Policy for Upgradation / Re-Designations of Posts by Federal Govt. I have placed all the four available notifications with me in one place for the guidance of the employees.

Policy for Upgradation / Re-Designations



Notification No.8/36/2000-R-I dated 11-09-2018


The undersigned is directed to refer to this Division’s O.M of even number dated 20-01-2001 and 03-02-2001 on the above subject and D.O. of even number dated 31-12-2008 regarding the policy of up-gradation/redesignation of posts and to state that this Division examines/considers the proposals concerning up-gradation/redesignation of the posts in the Federal Ministries/Divisions/Attached Departments received from respective Ministries/Divisions in the light of aforementioned policy.

  1. The Honourable Supreme Court of Pakistan in Civil Appeals No. 101 & 102-P of 2011 (Annex-I) has ordered as under:- “The up-gradation cannot be made to benefit a particular individual in term of promoting him to a higher post and further providing him with the avenues of lateral appointment or transfer or posting. In order to justify the upgradation, the Government is required to establish that the department needs re-structuring, reform, or to meet the exigency of service in the public interest. In the absence of these pre-conditions, up-gradation is not permissible”. Subsequent to Apex Court’s judgment, Finance Division vide their U.O.No.9 (121) R-I/2016-236, dated 19-04-2017 (Annex-II) stated that: – “Establishment Division is requested to look into the service structure as a whole of Federal Government keeping in view of the Judgment dated 17-02-2016 of the Supreme Court of Pakistan in consultation with MS Wing to remove the anomaly/distortion due to up-gradation of posts and submit recommendations for approval of the Prime Minister”. In view of the above, all Ministries/Divisions are advised to refer the proposals for up-gradation/redesignation of the post(s) to Establishment Division in the light of paras 1-2 above along with specific recommendations of Management Services Wing of the Establishment Division/ administrative Ministry/Division on up-gradation/redesignation of the post(s) for consideration under a policy of up-gradation/redesignation of posts.
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Policy for Upgradation Re-Designations of Posts Federal Govt

No.F.8/36/2000-R.1 dated 20-01-2001


The undersigned is directed to say that, on a Summary Submitted recently to the Chief Executive, he has pleased to approve the policy for up-gradation/re-designation of posts as indicated in the succeeding paragraphs.

  1. Henceforth, the up-gradation of posts shall be considered in the following cases only:-

(a) When it is considered necessary to up-grade certain posts in order to rationalize the administration structure of a Ministry/Division or a Department to make it more effective or to bring about uniformity of pay scales of similar posts in different organizations.

(b) Where the duties and responsibilities attached to a post have considerably increased.

(c) Where the pay scale of the post is considered grossly incommensurate with the qualification and experience prescribed for appointment to that post.

(d) Up-gradation of a post on a personal basis may be allowed except if any officer, already holding on a regular basis a higher grade post, is posted against a post, carrying a lower grade, due to exigencies of service.

  1. Subject to the observance of the parameters referred to in sub-para (a)-(d) above, the further proposals for the up-gradation/re-designation of posts shall be processed as under:-

(i) The cases for up-gradation/re-designation of the posts in BS-1 to 19 will be decided by the Finance Division in consultation with the Establishment Division; however, the decision about the proposed up-gradation/re-designation of posts in BPS-1 to 19 will be taken at the level of Secretary, Finance Division and the Secretary Establishment Division.

(ii) Cases of up-gradation/re-designation of posts in BPS-20 and above will be submitted to the Chief Executive for approval but after seeking the concurrence of the Finance Division and the Establishment Division.

  1. It may also be pointed out that the up-gradation of posts does not mean automatic up-gradation of an employee.
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Policy for Upgradation Re-Designations of Posts by Federal Govt

No.8/36/2000-R.1 dated 03-02-2001


The undersigned is directed to refer to this Division’s O.M. of even number, dated 20th January 2001, on the above subject and to state that para 4 of the Said O.M. is substituted as under:-

“When the competent authority approves the up-gradation of a post in the situations mentioned in sub-paras (a), (b) and (c) of para 2, an appointment to the up-graded post should be made in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Servants (Appointments, Promotion, and Transfer) Rules, 1973, and the specific rules which regulate appointment to the post.”

  1. So far as para 6 of the O.M. dated 20-1-2001 (referred to above) is concerned, it may kindly be treated as deleted.


Re Designation Upgradation of Posts


Notification of the dated 31-12-2008

Establishment Division has also issued a letter on 31-12-2008 in connection with instructions related to upgraded post of the Federal Government. This letter is also helpful to understand the Policy for Upgradation / re-designation of different posts of the employees.

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