Promotion of Sub-Engineers / Estimators as Executive Engineers (Civil) BPS-17 Pak PWD

Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Housing and Works has issued a Notification on 18-03-2021 in connection with Promotion of Sub-Engineers / Estimators as Executive Engineers (Civil) BPS-17 Pak PWD. The details are as under:

On the recommendations of the Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) held on 03-03-2021 and with the approval of the competent authority i.e Secretary (H&W) the following Sub-Engineers/Estimator (Civil) Pak PWD are promoted to the post of Assistant Executive Engineers (Civil) BPS-17) Pak PWD with effect from the date mentioned against each.


Sr. No Name of Official M/s Remarks
1 Muhammad Saddique Waryah With immediate effect against 20% quota
2 Zulfiqar Ali Rajpar -do-
3 Fida Hussain -do-
4 Muhammad Anwar -do-
5 Rashid Mehmood -do-
6 Sikandar Hayat Tahir -do-
7 Muhammad Shahid Malik With effect from 04-04-2021
8 Shahid Nadeem Akhtar Wef 15-04-2021
9 Asif Ali Wef 24-04-2021
10 Zafar Iqbal With effect from 14-05-2021
11 Muhammad Siddique Wef 26-05-2021
12 Azadar Hussain With immediate effect against 6% quota
13 Qadir Khan -do-
14 Mirza Muhammad Ashraf With effect from 19-04-2021
15 Muhammad Shafiq Anjum


With effect from 31-05-2021


Special thanks to Mr. Faisal Ranjha for sending the copy of the Notification of Promotion of Sub Engineers / Estimators as Executive Engineers (Civil) BPS-17 Pak PWD.


Promotion of Sub-Engineers Estimators as Executive Engineers (Civil) BPS-17 Pak PWD

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