Provisional Payment to Subordinate Judiciary Punjab

Accountant General Punjab has issued a letter on 18-03-2021 in connection with Provisional Payment to Subordinate Judiciary Punjab. The details are as under:

Kindly refer to the above-noted subject.

  1. The Honourable Lahore High Court Lahore, upgraded various stagnant posts of District Judiciary Punjab, vide No.99/LCE/IE/B-3(M) dated 10.03.2017. (Copy Enclosed).
  2. This Office already sent a letter seeking clarification Vide NO.TM-I/I-A/LHC/2018-19/2763 dated 26.02.2019 (copy enclosed). However, no reply was received and the matter of up-gradation remained undecided, Provincial Payment as per up-graded scales is being made throughout the province to the District Judiciary as well as to eligible officers/staff of Honorable High Court Lahore. The remaining officers and staff of Lahore High Court and District Judiciary, Lahore are also pressing for payment on a similar pattern.

It is, therefore, requested that necessary clarification as already referred may please be issued at the earliest to resolve the issue.

(This issues with the approval of Accountant General Punjab).


Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the letter of Provisional Payment to Subordinate Judiciary Punjab province.


Provisional Payment to Subordinate Judiciary Punjab



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