In-Service Promotion of PST, EST

Directorate of Public Instructions (EE) Punjab has issued a letter on 08-04-2021 in connection with the In-Service Promotion of PST, EST (Primary School Teachers and Elementary Schools Teachers). The details are as under:


In-Service Promotion of PST, EST

While examining the detail and data regarding in-service promotion as EST and SST of your district available at SIS, it has been observed that numbers of posts of such categories are available vacant in the district. It reveals that despite the availability of promotion quota posts, the promotion of these teachers is pending at your end.

A number of complaints have also been received in this Directorate from different corners that in the districts promotion cases are not being given due attention and lying pending for long.

The detail of available vacant posts of promotion quota downloaded from SIS is available overleaf.

You are directed to explain your position and reason as to why necessary steps for the award of promotion as EST and SST have not been taken by you despite the availability of posts in said categories.

This shows negligence and slackness at your end please expedite the matter of promotion under the rules of policy and submit your reply regarding non-observance of promotion in due course of time.

Moreover, the detail of the last DPC conducted and the award of promotion as EST and SST may also be conveyed through documents/evidence.

Special Thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the letter of In-Service Promotion of Primary School Teachers and Elementary Schools Teachers.

See also  CM Pay Package to SSTs of Toba Tek Singh



In-Service Promotion of PST, EST

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