Upgradation of Federal Posts from BPS-01 to BPS-16 Office Memorandum Establishment Division

Government of Pakistan, Establishment Division has issued a Notification on 12-04-2021 in connection with Upgradation of Federal Posts from BPS-01 to BPS-16 as par with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Analogy.



Upgradation of Federal Posts from BPS-01 to BPS-16


The undersigned is directed to refer to Finance Division’s O.M No. (7)R-1/2014/2021 dated 26th February 2021 on the subject noted above and to state that the matter regarding up-gradation of posts on the analogy of the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has been examined on the basis of up-gradation re-designation policy issued by Establishment Division vide its O.M. No. 8/1     R-I, dated 20.01.2001. Copies of notification of Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa vide dated 19.06.2012, 04.10.2012, 20.05.2014, 30.06.2015, 29.07.2018, and 15.05.2019 are enclosed for kind perusal.


Summary of Upgradation of Posts


Sr.No. Existing Pay Scales in KP Existing Pay Scale in Federal Govt. Recommendations
1. Superindent




The Post of existing incumbents may be upgraded to BS-17 as Superintendent. (Reinvent Rules will be amended accordingly).
2. Assistant




The Post of existing incumbents may be upgraded to BS-16 as Assistant. (Reinvent Rules will be amended accordingly).
3. Senior Clerk


Upper Division Clerk


The Post of existing incumbents may be upgraded to BS-14 as Upper Division. (Reinvent Rules will be amended accordingly).
4. Junior Clerk


Lower Division Clerk


The Post of existing incumbents may be upgraded as Lower Division Clerk. (Reinvent Rules will be amended accordingly).
5. Naib Qasid, Mali


Naib Qasid, Mali


The Post of existing incumbents may be upgraded in two (02) pay scales to the extent of financial benefit. Recruitment Rules will not be changed. New induction / Recruitment will be made according to existing Recruitment Rules.
6. Daftari, Qasid (BS-04) Daftari, Qasid (BS-02) The Post of existing incumbents may be upgraded in two (02) pay scales to the extent of financial benefit. Recruitment Rules will not be changed. New induction / Recruitment will be made according to existing Recruitment Rules.
7. Driver (BS-6/7) Driver (BS-4/5) The Post of existing incumbents may be upgraded in two (02) pay scales to the extent of financial benefit. Recruitment Rules will not be changed. New induction / Recruitment will be made according to existing Recruitment Rules.


Terms & Conditions and Detail of Up-gradation of Posts



  • Establishment Division examined Finance Division’s O.M. Dated 26.02.2021 on the basis of up-gradation/redesignation policy issued by Establishment Division’s O.M. No. 8/36/2000R-I dated 20.01.2001 and recommended the following:-
  • In order to avoid anomalies, a flood gate of litigation, and complete abrasion of existing pay structures, it is further commended that a comprehensive pay revision exercise must be taken for all Government Employees Grand Alliance needs to be incorporated in the proposed pay rise in monetary terms to avoid compliance in further. In case of arising of any ambiguity, the “Anomaly Committee” needs to be constituted to decide the anomalies resulting due to this upgradation. It is further recommended that while granting pay rise the existing pay scales should not be disturbed.
  • Further according to a para policy of up-gradation/re-designation issued by Establishment Division vide O.M. No. 8/36/2000-R-I dated 01.2001. Up-gradation of posts does not mean automatic up-gradation of the incumbents of these post –


Upgradation of Federal Posts from BPS-01 to BPS-16 Office Memorandum Establishment Division

See also  Notification of Grant of 4-Tier Service Structure Para Veterinary Staff of the Livestock & Diary Development Department

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10 thoughts on “Upgradation of Federal Posts from BPS-01 to BPS-16 Office Memorandum Establishment Division

  1. is this notification is still in vegue ? because we superintendents having BPS-16 in WAPDA were in waiting to be get our posts upgraded to BPS-17 but we havent heared any news/Action regarding this notification implementation …. and now a days there is an approval is circulating on net that Federal govt has decided to grant just 1 additional increment to employees already possesing BPS-16 instaed of upgrading their original post to BPS-17? Either this will applicable to superintendents as well or their case will be addressed Separately .. please clarify


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