Promotion of Lab Supervisors (BPS-14) to the Rank of Lab Superintendents (BPS-16)

I am sharing the minutes of the departmental promotion committee meeting of the higher education department held on 30-03-2021 for the Promotion of Lab Supervisors (BPS-14) to the Rank of Lab Superintendents (BPS-16). The details are as under:


Promotion of Lab Supervisors (BPS-14)

  1. A meeting a Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) was held on 30-03-2021 under the chairmanship of Mr.Talha Hussain Faisal, Additional Secretary (Establishment & General) Higher Education Department in his office to discuss the promotion cases of Lab Supervisor (BS-14) to the rank of Lab Superintendent (BS-16).



  1. Talha Hussain Faisal,                               In Chair

Additional Secretary (E&G),

Higher Education Department

  1. Ashiq Hussain,                                         Member

Director Public Instruction (Colleges),

Punjab, Lahore.

  1. Muhammad Kaleem,                                Member

Deputy Secretary, (O&M)

Regulations Wing (S&GAD).

  1. Muhammad Irfan,                                     Member

Section Officer (Discipline Male),

Higher Education Department


The DPC Scrutinized relevant documents and records. On the queries raised by the representative of Regulations Wing, S&GAD, it was certified by representative of Directorate of public Institution (Colleges) Punjab, Lahore that:-

There is no seniority dispute/litigation in respect of cases of the DPC.

The number of posts has been correct as per sanctioned strength approved by the Finance Department.

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 The Representative of Regulations Wing S&GAD also stated that as per Training Strategy 2005, every Promotion is required to be linked with promotion-related training. Therefore, The administrative Department may prescribe training in Service Rules as per the laid down procedure.


Special Thanks: Graduate Kahna


Promotion of Lab Supervisors to Lab Superintendents (BPS-16)


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