One Million Payment to Govt Servant Who Expired Due to Coronavirus

Government of Sindh, Finance Department has issued a Notification on 28-04-2021 in connection with Compensation of One Million Payment to Govt Servant Who Expired Due to Coronavirus disease COVID-19. The details of the same are as under:


One Million Payment to Govt Servant Who Expired Due to Coronavirus

As approved by the Provincial Cabinet in its meeting held on 27th April 2021 Government of Sindh is pleased to allow Compensation of Rs.1,000,000/- (Rupees One Million Only) to the families / legal heirs of employees of the Government of Sindh (both Regular and Contractual) who expired during their Service due to Coronavirus Disease COVID-19.

  1. This will be in addition to other benefits admissible to the family of deceased civil servants under relevant rules.
  2. Administrative Department / Appointing Authorities will issue sanctions in individual cases. All the cases shall be initiated by the Administrative Department and intimated to Finance Department, Govt. of Sindh, duly verified, at the earliest for disposal thereof accordingly.
  3. The administrative Department will refer all the individual cases to the Finance Department, with justification, for the provision of funds.


Special thanks to  Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the grant of Compensation Allowance of One Million Payment to the Government Servant Who Expired Due to Coronavirus disease.


One Million Payment to Govt Servant Who Expired Due to Coronavirus



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Note: This Notification is only for the Sindh Govt employees, the other provincial Governments may issue their own letters.

See also  Immediate Regularization of Employees Whether Completed 3 Years Service or Not-17-A Rule

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