Opening of Educational Institutions 2 Days a Week in AJK

Azad Government of the State of Jammu & Kashmir, Home Department has issued a Notification on 21-05-2021 in connection with the Opening of Educational Institutions 2 Days a Week in AJK.


Opening of Educational Institutions 2 Days a Week in AJK


President Azad Jammu and Kashmir, in the light of decisions, make in the meeting of NCOC held on 19th May 2021 has been pleased to accord approval for implementation of the following NPIs / decisions in AJ&K.

The decisions regarding the educational institutions are as under:

Decisions for Schools, Colleges and Universities

  1. All Education Sector shall be reopened in districts/cities with positivity rate less than 5% for 2 days during a week w.e.f. 24.05.2021.
  2. All Educational institutions in remaining districts/ cities shall be reopened for 2 days during a week w.e.f. 07.06.2021 subject to review of COVID-19 situation on 03.06.2021.

Schools/Colleges and Universities will remain open two days a week for the districts/cities where there is less than a 5% COVID-19 ratio. These schools will re-open with effect from 24th May 2021.

The 2nd condition is for those cities/districts where the COVID-19 ratio is more than 5 %. These schools/colleges and universities will also open for two days a week but with effect from 7th June 2021.

            Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Government also issued the Notification for closure of educational institutions till 7th June 2021. The same decision is for those educational institutions where there is a more than 5% ratio of coronavirus. With less than 5% will open on 24th May 2021.

See also  Minutes of Meeting with Employees and Government on 14-10-2020


Opening of Educational Institutions 2 Days a Week in AJK

Extension Holidays in AJK Schools

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