Composition of Departmental Selection Board (DSB) BPS-18 to 19

Government of Pakistan, Establishment Division has issued a Notification on 04-05-2021 in connection with Composition of Departmental Selection Board (DSB) BPS-18 to BPS-19. The details of the same Notification are as under:


Composition Departmental Selection Board (DSB)


In terms of Section 2(1)(h) of Civil Servants Act, 1973  read with rule-2(b) of the Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion, and Transfer) Rules 1973, and under rule 3(1) of Civil Servants Promotion (BPS-18 to BPS-21) Rules, 2019, the Prime Minister has approved the following composition of  Departmental Selection Board (DSB) for promotion of Federal Civil Servants from BS-18 to BS-19 under the Federal Government:-


1. Secretary of the administrative Ministry/ Division concerned Chairman
2. A Respective of Establishment Division not below BS-21 Member
3. Head of the respective Department in case of posts in Attached Departments and Subordinate Offices. Member
4. Chief Secretaries of Provincial Governments for cases of PAS/PSP and Inspector Generals of Police for cases of PSP officers. Members
5. A representative of Law Division not below BS-21 Member
6. Additional Secretary or Senior Joint Secretary or Joint Secretary of the Division concerned, with approval of Chairman of the Board. Member/Secretary
  1. The quorum of DSB may be considered complete only when at least 75% of members as per the proposed composition are in attendance. However, in exceptional circumstances, and only after the prior approval of the chairman of DSB, a senior representative of a member may attend on his behalf.
  2. Any DSB proceedings held in absence of the representative of the Establishment Division will be considered void ab-initio.
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Composition of Departmental Selection Board (DSB) BPS-18 to 19

Promotion BPS-18 to BPS-19 DSB

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