Funds for Stipends to Primary and Secondary Girls Students KP

Directorate of Elementary & Secondary Education, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has issued a letter on 26-05-2021 in connection with the Release of Funds for Stipends to Primary and Secondary Girls Students of KP. The details are as under:


Funds for Stipends to Primary and Secondary Girls Students KP Province


I am directed to enclose herewith a copy of self-explanatory letter No, SO(B&A)1-6/Budget/2021 dated 06-05-2021 along with its enclosure on the subject cited above is hereby submitted for further necessary action, please.

Release of Funds for Stipends to Primary and Secondary Girls Students

Release of Funds for Stipends to Primary and Secondary Girls Students KP


  1. Kindly credit District Fund (Account-IV) with a sum of Rs, 2033.374 (Rupees Two Thousand Thirty-Three Million and Three Hundred Seventy Four Thousand only) per contra orbit to the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Account-I (Non-Food) as per following District-wise details. The amount is adjustable in the account for the year 2020-21:
  2. The above amount the office released/transferred as a supplementary grant for the provision of stipends to Girls Students of Primary and Secondary Schools of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa as per following District wise details to District A/C-IV of 26 Districts under Grant No. NC. 21049 ( Districts Non-Salary) During C.F.Y 2020-21, subject to observance of all the codal formalities as required under the rules.
  3. Upon the above release/transfer of funds, France Department further agrees to accord the following re-appropriation within grant during Corrupt Financial Year 2020-21.

I direct to enclose herewith Finance Department release letter No. BO(PFC-II)FD/1-5/2020-21/N-Salary dated 28.04.2021, on the subject cited above which is self-explanatory for further necessary action, please.



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Funds for Stipends to Primary and Secondary Girls Students KP



Funds to KPK Students

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