Grant of Annual Increment 2020 and Honorarium to USC Employees

The Utility Store Corporation of Pakistan (Private) Limited, Ministry of Industries & Production has issued Notifications regarding Grant of Annual Increment 2020 and payment of Honorarium Ramzan 2021. The details are as under:

Grant of Annual Increment 2020 to USC Employees

Please find enclosed herewith letters regarding pay fixation on grant of Annual Increment w.e.f. 1st December 2020 (duly approved by the Competent Authority) to the Officers / Officials of BPS-14 and above.


  1. Pay of employees of BS-1 to BS-12 may be fixed after granting Annual Increment by respective regions at their end.
  2. Please forward the same to all Regions of your Zone for Necessary action.


Grant of Payment of Honorarium Ramzan 2021


Grant of Payment of Honorarium Ramzan 2021


The USD BOD has approved Honorarium 2021 on the amount of performance beyond the normal call of duty on the basis of the following crisis:-


Grant of Annual Increment 2020 to USC Employees Utility Store


  1. On initial basic pay will be paid to regular, contractual, and market-based salaried employees.
  2. Department will pay Rs. 8,000/- to daily wage employees (excluding daily wagers appointed only for the month of Ramzan)
  3. They will pay an honorarium on attaining a minimum of 80% attendance during Ramazan 2021.
  4. The Department will not pay an honorarium to any employee suspended or involved in a disciplinary case.
  5. This has the approval of the Competent Authority.



Special Thanks: Mahr Fahim

See also  Increments to Untrained Teachers of Punjab Government

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