Regularization on Daily Wages Employees of HESCO 2021

Hyderabad Electric Supply Company has issued a Board Resolution regarding the decision of Regularization on Daily Wages Employees of HESCO 2021. The details of the same are as under:


Regularization on Daily Wages Employees of HESCO 2021


The Board agreed and resolved to accord policy clearance for consideration of 551 Nos. Daily Wagers for Regularization of their services against the sanctioned posts they have already been working continuously on 89 days spell basis in the light of prevailing rules/ instructions on merit through concerned Selection Committees as per Service Rules keeping in view the following criteria without any exception and relaxation:-


Criteria of Regularization


  1. Qualification as per Service Rules of the Post.
  2. Age as per Service Rules of the post and PEPCO / WAPDA instructions regarding Daily Wagers.
  3. Domicile must be of HESCO region except for employees’ children.
  4. Continuous service on 89 days spells basis (03 years or above).

Congratulations to all these employees from the GALAXY WORLD.



Regularization on Daily Wages Employees of HESCO 2021


Government should regularize the contract and Daily wages employees. Many employees are working for many years on a contract or daily basis. If there are some rules that make hindrance in their regularization, then there should be an amendment in the rules. These employees minimum should be given some extra marks on the basis of their experience.

See also  Appeal under Section-4 of the Service Tribunal Act 1973- Uniform Time Scale Promotion Policy for Civil Servants

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