Upgradation of Superintendent, Supervisor and A/D Registrar L&JD

Government of Pakistan, Law and Justice Department has issued a Notification on 08-07-2021 in connection with Upgradation of Superintendent, Supervisor and Assistant Registrar and Deputy Registrar in Law & Justice Department. The details of the Notification of up-gradation of these posts are as under:


Upgradation of Superintendent, Supervisor and Assistant & Deputy Registrar


Consequent upon approval of the Establishment and finance Divisions, the following posts in the Appellate Tribunal Inland Revenue (ATIR), under the administrative control of Law & Justice Division are upgraded along with their incumbents, with immediate effect:-



S. No. Name of Post Up-Gradation  from Pay Scale No Up-gradation to Pay Scale No
1. Deputy Registrar BPS-17 BPS-18
2. Assistant Registrar BPS-16 BPS-17
3. Superintendent BPS-13 BPS-16
4. Supervisor  BPS-10 BPS-14

  1. The Financial implication on account of up-gradation of the above-mentioned posts shall be met within the sanctioned budget of Appellate Tribunal Inland Revenue.
  2. This Issues with the approval of the Secretary, Law & Justice Division.

Special Thanks: Mr. Abdur Rasheed


What About Other Departments?


This is a good decision for the department. Now, these employees have got their suitable pay scale. These posts have different pay scales in various departments. The Government should adopt a uniform policy for the up-gradation of posts with the same nomenclature and giving the employees uniform scales and uniform raise of salary. This should not be limited to only one department. Government should adopt the policy of uniformity in all departments of Pakistan.

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Upgradation of Superintendent, Supervisor and Registrar

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