Pension Calculator 2021-22 Federal, Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and KPK

I have prepared a simple pension calculation sheet for the purpose of Pension Calculator 2021-22 Federal, Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, GB, AJK, and KPK pensioners. This calculator is for the employees who retired on or after 1st July 2021. The employees who retired before 1st July 2021 can use my previous calculation sheets.  

Pension Calculator 2021-22 Federal, Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan & KPK

To use the calculator to calculate pension, you must have known the following three things:

  • Basic Pay as per LPC
  • Duration of Total Service / Length of Service      
  • Age at the Time of Retirement

Just note down the above three number data and you will find the pension and commute in just 5 sec to 10 seconds.  It is so easy as it was never so.

Basic Pay:

Basic Pay should be as per LPC. If the employee is retired on or after 1st June then we shall also add one usual increment that is equal to the annual increment. This usual increment is granted to the pensioner who retires on or after 1st June till 30th Nov.  This is because the employee has completed 6 months of service on or after 1st June on a particular pay scale.

Duration of Total Service / Length of Service

We use the total length of service to calculate pension. We cannot use the length of service more than 30 years. If the employee has more than 30 years’ service we will only use 30 years figure even the employee has 42 years’ service.  If the employee has less some full years and some months then the length of service will be as under:

See also  Very important good news for pre-2001 pensioners

25 Years 7 months = 26 years

25 years 5 months = 25 years

35 years 8 months = 30 years

41 years 5 months = 30 Years

 It means more than 6 months will be counted as a full year and less than 6 months will be neglected.

Age At the time of Retirement

We don’t use age in the calculation sheet; however, we use the age rate instead. The age must an employee know as I have also shown the age rates for each year.  If an employee has even a day more than his/her complete year we shall use the next age rate. For example, if an employee has 45 years and 5 days of age we shall not use the age rate for 45 years instead we shall use the 46 years of age rate shown in the table.

Pension Calculation Sheet for Punjab, Federal and Balochistan

Before we further proceed towards the calculation sheet, let’s see which increases the employees will get who retire on or after 1st July 2021. Federal Government and other provinces increased the pension nearly every year except 2020. In 2020 only the Sindh Government raised the pension for the pensioners of the province @ 10%. No other government including the Federal raised the pension during 2020-21. The rate of increase in pension for many years is mostly 10%.

Which Increase in Pension During Previous Years Include in Pension?

The following increases in pension during various years, the pensioners will get to add in their pension.

Federal, Punjab and Balochistan Pensioners

  • 15% Increase in Pension 2011
  • 7.5% Increase in Pension 2015
  • 10% increase in Pension 2016
  • 10% increase in Pension 2017
  • Increase in Pension 2018 (10%)
  • 10% increase in Pension 2019
  • 10% increase in Pension 2021
  • 25% BPS-01 to BPS-15 & 20% BPS-16 and above Medical Allowance of Pension Increase of 2010 (Frozen)
  • 25% increase in Medical Allowance of the Previous Medical Allowance
See also  Notification Advance Pay and Allowances and Pension March 2024 in Sindh (Holi)

If any year pension increase there is written in the Notification that the new increase is on the 10% or 15% etc on net pension. This net pension is generated after deducting the above said medical allowance to the pensioners.

Note: Federal Government increased pension @ 10% with effect from 1st April 2022 for Federal Pensioners only. I have issued the revised calculator as under:

Revised Pension Federal wef April 2022

Pension Calculation Sheet 2021-2022 for KPK Pensioners

There is a difference in Pension Calculator 2021-22 for the pensioners of KPK, Federal, and other provinces.  In 2015 Federal, Balochistan, GB, Punjab, and AJK Governments increased pension by 7.5% while Sindh and KPK Governments enhanced the pension more. The rate of increase in pension for the pensioners of the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa was 10% with effect from 1st July 2015.  The other increases and medical allowance are the same for the KPK pensioners. The new retired employee in KPK with effect from 1st July 2021 will also get the increases of 2010, 2011, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2021.

Pension Calculator 2021 for Sindh Pensioners

Pension Calculator 2021 for Sindh Pensioners is different from Federal and All other Provinces.  The reason the same is that Sindh Government Increased pension wef 1st July 2020 @ 10% for all pensioners. In the same way, Sindh Government increased 10% pension with effect from 1st July 2015. While other Governments raised the pension @ 7.5% in 2015 except KPK which also increased pension by 10% wef 1st July 2015. The remaining increases are the same as Federal and other provinces.

See also  Punjab Government Oct 2013 Advice to Wait for Supreme Court Orders on Appeals Against LHC Orders Regarding Increases on Restored Pension

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4 thoughts on “Pension Calculator 2021-22 Federal, Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and KPK

  1. Sir,
    I retired in February 2010 from the federal government service of Pakistan.

    Then my basic pay was 18830 and my NET PENSION came to 12048
    Now in 2022, my basic pay has been REVISED from 18830 to 20270.
    I seek your guidance regarding my REVISED NET PENSION in 2010 and then in 2022.

    Yours sincerely,


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