AGP Clarification Admissibility of Special Allowance 2021 Punjab

Office of the Accountant General Punjab has issued a Notification on 05-8-2021 in connection with AGP Clarification Admissibility of Special Allowance 2021 Punjab. The details of the same are as under:

Please refer to Government of the Punjab Finance Department letter No.FD.SR. V.3- 1/2021 dated 07.07.2021 on the subject cited above.

2. This office is in receipt of a number of queries from different Districts Accounts Offices regarding admissibility of Special Allowance-2021 to the Civil Servants and contract employees in BS-01 to BS-19 @ 25% of initial of the Basic Scales, 2017 vide above-referred letter:

3. The Para 2 of said letter is reproduced as under:-

“Those employees who are drawing any cadre/service specific allowance(s) are not entitled to the aforesaid Special Allowance The subject allowance is only admissible to the employees who are drawing their pay in the relevant Basic Pay Scale along with only House Rent Allowance, Conveyance Allowance, Medical Allowance, and Adhoc Relief Allowance”.

4. The District Accounts Officers are seeking clarification (Copies enclosed) regarding Admissibility of Special Allowance-2021 to the employees of Punjab Government who are drawing any allowance other than the four allowances mentioned in the Finance Department’s above-referred letter.

5. This office is of the view that:-

i) Allowances like Qualification Allowance, Personal Allowance, Integrated Allowance, Washing Allowance, and Entertainment allowance, SR. Post-Allowance, Special Conveyance Allowance, Mobility Allowance, Charge Allowance, Overtime Allowance, Computer Allowance, etc. are not cadre Specific Allowances. Hence, employees who are receiving such allowances are entitled to Special Allowance-2021, as such.

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ii) On the other hand, health Professional Allowance, police Law and Order Allowance, Fixed Anti-Corruption Allowance, Fixed Daily Allowance, Secretariat Allowance, Judicial Allowance, Executive Allowance, Special Judicial Allowance, Technical Allowance, Nursing Professional Allowance, incentive Allowance, etc., are Cadre / Service Special Allowances and employees who are drawing any type of these allowances or any other cadre specific allowance shall not be eligible for Special Allowance-2021.

6. In the light of the position explained above, the viewpoint of this office may be endorsed at an early date. If otherwise, clarification may be issued.  


Special Thanks: Mr. Zahid Khan

AGP Clarification Admissibility of Special Allowance 2021 Punjab

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