BISE Mardan Schedule of Online Enrollment for Class 9th 2021-22

Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Mardan has issued a Notification on 17-08-2021 in connection with BISE Mardan Schedule of Online Enrollment for Class 9th 2021-22. The details of the same are as under:

BISE Mardan Schedule of Online Enrollment for Class 9th 2021-22

The following schedule of online enrollment for 9th class regular students for the Academic Session 2021-22 is hereby notified for information of all concerned.

Category Detail of Fee Upto
Govt. Institutions Normal Fee (Enrol+ Sports) (170 + 50) Total = Rs.220/- 30/09/2021
Late Fee Rs.320/- 15/10/2021
Double late Fee RS.420/- 29/10/2021
  Private Institution   Normal Fee (Enrol+ Sports) (220 + 50) Total = Rs.270/- 30/09/2021
Late Fee Rs.370/- 15/10/2021
Double late Fee RS.470/- 29/10/2021

For You: BISE Multan Online Registration IX Class 2021


Instructions for Enrollment Mardan Board

  1. The heads of the institutions are advised to enroll 9th class students through Board’s portal and submit the hard copy (BISE Final Report) along with the original Bank Receipt (Computer-generated receipts only) for conformation within the above-specified dates. In case of delay, a late fee will be charged. Help Guide for Enrollment is also available on the web portal. (for detail contact 0937-844689, 0937-9230617 during office hours).
  2. If an institution fails to submit enrollment forms for confirmation by 29-10-2021 (the last date for enrollment with double fee), it can apply within the next 30 days (i.e. by 29-11-2021), penalty @ Rs.30/- per day per student will be charged along with late fee subject to the provision of Admission Withdrawal Registrar (AWR) to check the exact date of admission of the student.
  3. NADRA Form B, father CNIC number, Nationality, Religion, and Student/Parent Mobile Number are necessary to be entered in the portal.
  4.    Particulars of student(s) name, father name, date of birth, admission number, date of admission, groups, subjects, etc. must be in conformity with admission withdrawal register. Furthermore, student cards should issue to all students, and students’ fathers, guardians, and principals should sign them.
  5. The heads of the institutions to ensure compassion of students particular before the finalization of the date. The correction the board will grant to the institution only once in a session for necessary correction using their credential (username, password).
  6. The last date for change of subject/group is 29-11-2021 with a fee of @Rs.200/- per subject change and Rs.600/- per group change.
  7. The minimum age for appearing is SSC (A) Examination 9th 2022 is 14 years. This means that students born on 01-04-2008 are eligible.
  8. Student(s) enrollment data that is not confirmed by 29-11-2021 shall be deleted the next day by the system automatically.
  9. Continued as per documents attached.
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BISE Mardan Schedule of Online Enrollment for Class 9th 2021-22

Registration 2021-22 Mardan Board

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