Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Finance Department has issued a Notification on 17-08-2021 in connection with Mark-up Rates 2020-21 KPK on General Provident Fund (GP Fund Interest Rates 2020-21 KP). The details are as under:
Mark-up Rates 2020-21 KPK on General Provident Fund
I am directed to refer to the Finance Division Government of Pakistan letter No.F.8(1)GS-I/2018-1338 dated 12.08.2021 on the subject noted above and to convey the following rates of mak up on State Provident Fund (G.P. Fund) fixed by the Federal Government for the fiscal years noted against each, for its adoption and further necessary action:-
Fiscal Year | Rate of Mark up |
2018-19 | 14.53% |
2019-20 | 12.00% |
2020-21 | 07.90% |
These rates of interest on the General Provident Fund are applicable for the amount balance in GP Fund during the year 2020-2021. Before this the following Governments of Pakistan have announced the interest rates on GP Fund:
Federal Government Notification of GP Fund Interest Rates 2020-21
Finance Department Punjab Notification of GP Fund Interest Rates 2020-2021 Punjab
Still, Sindh Government, Balochistan Government, AJK, and GP Have not issued their Notification. These Governments of Pakistan will issue the same soon.

These rares of GP Fund Interest 2020-2021 are the same as Federal and Punjab. Finance Department Punjab also issued the Notification of GP Fund Interest Rates 2020-2021 Punjab. All provinces will follow the Federal Government of Pakistan.