Notification of GP Fund Interest Rates Sindh 2020-21

Government of Sindh, Finance Department has issued a Notification on 17-08-2021 in connection with GP Fund Interest Rates Sindh 2020-21. These rates are the lowest in many decades. The employees will get only a 7.90% interest rate on the GP Fund amount during the financial tea 2020-21. Federal, Punjab, and KPK Governments also announced the same rates of mark-up on GP Fund for 2020-2021.

GP Fund Interest Rates Sindh 2020-21

This Rate of mark upon state provident fund de general provident fund for the fiscal year 2020-21 will effect from 1st July 2020 to 30th June 2021.

 I am directed to refer to Finance Division (Budget Wing) Government of Pakistan letter No.1 .8(1) GS-1/2018-338 dated 12th August 2021 on the subject noted above and to convey that the rate of Profit/markup on state provident fund i.e. general Provident fund is Rs.07.90% per anum for the financial Year 2020-21.

Information for:

  1. The finance secretary, Govt. of Punjab Khyber Pakhtunkhawa/ Balochistan/ Gilgit Baltistan, Lahore, Peshawar, and Quetta.
  2. The Deputy Secretary (GS), finance division (budget wing) government of Pakistan, Islamabad with reference to his letter No.F.8 (1) GS-1/2018-338 dated 12th August 2021.
  3. The Director, Local Fund Audit, Sindh, Karachi.
  4. The Director of Information, Government of Sindh, Karachi. He is requested to kindly give wide publicity through (All) Media News.
  5. The Section Officer (all), Finance Department, Govt. of Sindh, Karachi.
  6. R.O to Secretary to Govt. of Sindh, Finance Department, Karachi.
  7. The Superintendent, Sindh Government Press Karachi.  
See also  Detail of Interest on Advances for the Government Employees


Sindh Government followed Federal Government in this regard. Federal Government Finance Division issued Notification of GP Fund Interest Rates 2020-21 on 12th August 2021. Punjab Government also issued the same after a few days. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Government has also notified it.


Notification of GP Fund Interest Rates Sindh 2020-21

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