Rental Ceiling for Hiring and Demand of House Rent Allowance Increase

I was reading the summary for the increase in Rental Ceiling for Hiring 2021 and really happy to see the issue resolved for many employees. It is a good step of the Prime Minister of Pakistan if he accepts the summary for the 44% increasing in hiring. This is the need for time to enhance the rental ceiling of hiring for the employees in specific cities. As it is fact that due to hike in the dearness, the owners of the houses have raised the rates of their houses/flats. Many of the employees have to pay extra rather than get the hiring amount.

Rental Ceiling for Hiring and House Rent Allowance


The employees residing in the following cities are getting a Rental Ceiling of Hiring:


  • Lahore
  • Karachi
  • Islamabad/Rawalpindi
  • Karachi
  • Quetta
  • Peshawar



                As I already mentioned it would be a good step if the honorable PM approves the summary of the same. But there is another important point that is considerable. A number of employees in the country are living in rented houses/flats that are not getting any type of Hiring; instead, they are getting only House Rent Allowance (HRA). Even in the specific cities i.e Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Peshawar, Quetta, and Karachi a number of employees are getting HRA. The rent they pay to the owners of houses has also been increased manyfold.

               The employees are getting House Rent Allowance on the initial of Revised Pay Scales 2008 plus a 50% increase. After 2008 pay scales were revised many times but HRA remained fixed on the initial of the pay scales 2008. The last time Government issued the Notification of Revised Pay Scales 2017. Later in 2018 Government granted a 50% increase in HRA.

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Issues of the Employees Getting HRA


                In these cities, if an employee of BPS-14 will get Hiring of Rs. 23554/- the same scale employee will get only Rs. 3321/-. That is a huge difference of about 20,000/- while both employees pay rent at the same amount. This is the main point that the Honourable PM should consider to create equality among the employees. The employee who is getting House Rent Allowance is paying rent from other sources or cutting his/her expenses. He/She has to work extra after duty time to meet his/her rent of the house. In this way, the life of such employees is very hard and he/she always struggles hard not only for the amount of rent but also other utilities.


Request for Increase in HRA


                Keeping in view the above facts, all the employees of Pakistan request to equally increase Hiring as well as House Rent Allowance for all the employees of Pakistan. In this way, the employees of all areas of the country will get equal opportunities for the rent. They will easily manage the rents of their houses. in 2018 the previous Government also increased not only hiring rates but also HRA @ 50% for all employees. In this regard Notification of House Rent Allowance 2018 Federal Government as well as provincial Governments issued.


Rental Ceiling for Hiring and Demand of House Rent Allowance Increase

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18 thoughts on “Rental Ceiling for Hiring and Demand of House Rent Allowance Increase

  1. kindly share

    owner of house walida hon son employee un k makan (house) me rehta hia.
    is ka bta dain… ager koi letter ho is sy mutaliq to kindly share me.. thanks

  2. السلام و علیکم

    respected sir

    kindly inform me abut

    self requisition categories
    ager koi letter ho to kindly share me. urgent pls..
    1- owner khurram is ny apna house hired kerwaya yeh Self ho gaya.
    2- aik employees apny father or Mother me sy kisi k makan ko hired kerwata hai kya wo self hired nai?
    kindly information share ker dain… thanks
    wish u all the best.

      1. السلام علیکم
        میں نے اپنا گھر جو کہ میری والدہ کے نام ہے اس کی اسسمینٹ کروائی تھی میرے آفس والوں نے اشٹام پر میری 09 سکیل کا ریٹ لکھ دییا اب جب کہ ہاؤس رینٹ گورنمنٹ کی طرف سے 44٪ بڑھا دیا گیا ہے میرے آفس والے مجھے اضافہ شدہ رقم نہیں دے رہے
        براہ کرم کسی قسم کا کوئی لیٹر ہو تو سینڈ کر دیں اور کہتے ہیں کہ یہ سیلف میں نہیں آتی کیا اس کے بارے میں میرے لیے کسی قسم کی کوئی شق نکل سکتی ہے


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