Daily and Part Time Monthly Wage Rates 2021 Sargodha Division

In pursuance of the instructions contained in letter No. FD.PR-10-18/72, dated 09/10/1975 read with letter No. FD.PR-10-18/72(P), dated 04/08/2017 and Notification No. RO(Tech)/25564.FD.2-2/2018, dated 09/09/2021 issued by the Government of the Punjab, Finance Department, Lahore, the following Daily Wage Rates and Part-Time Monthly Wage Rates of work change employees for the financial year 2021-2022 are hereby fixed in Sargodha Division, Sargodha w.e.f. 01/07/2021:-


Daily and Part-Time Monthly Wage Rates 2021 Sargodha


The details and chart for the daily wages rates 2021 and part-time monthly rates are as under:


Daily Wages Rates 2021-22


SR.No. Kind of Labour Big City Rates (For Sargodha only) Other cities (Khushab, Mianwali & Bhakkar)
1. Un-Skilled 777 769
2. Semi-Skilled 808 783
3. Skilled 887 858
 Part-Time Monthly Wages Rates:


SR.No. Kind of Labour Big City Rates (For Sargodha only) Other cities (Khushab, Mianwali & Bhakkar)
1. Un-skilled 20,200 20,000
2. Semi-Skilled 20,500 20,250
3. Skilled 21,000 20,350

Daily and Part Time Monthly Wage Rates 2021

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