Result of BISE Multan SSC-II Annual Exams 2021

Multan Board is declaring the Result of BISE Multan SSC-II Annual Exams 2021 today. According to the press release issued by the Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Multan the schedule of the announcement of the Matric 2021 Result is as under:

Result of BISE Multan SSC-II Annual Exams 2021


  • Date of declaration of Result: 16th Oct 2021
  • Time:                 1700 Hrs (05:00 pm)
  • Day: Saturday 2021


Check Online Multan Board Matric Result

The students can find their annual exams 2021 matric part-I result through various sources as under:

They can check the result online at the official web portal. They have to just type their Roll Number at the given cell and they will get their annual result for the 2021 examinations.


Multan Board Online SSC-I 2021 Annual Result


Note: The students, teachers, and parents can find the result only at the date and time given above.




The Board is also facilitating the students to provide the result on their cell number. The students can use the following procedure to get the Multan Board Matric Result 2021:

They have to just type their roll number and send at 800293


Why Result Late?


There are many reasons for the delay of the result of matric. Although the boards declare the result in June/July every year, yet this year there were many reasons for the same. The same is as under:

  • Delay in Exams Due to COVID-19
  • Early Summer Vacation
  • Students have not prepared for exams due to summer vacation 2021 and the COVID-19 situation.
  • After completion of the result, there was another hindrance, which was the Promotion Policy of Students 2021. Boards submitted the Students Promotion Policy to the Cabinet for approval. The Cabinet approved the same after a few days that were also the reason for the delay in results. Earlier the results of intermediate were to announce on 31st Sep 2021. And the Matric after few days, but it took about 17 days after the previous date of declaration of HSSC-II result 2021.
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What is the New and Revised Promotion Policy of Students Class 10th & 12th?


Higher Education Department (HED) Punjab has issued a new and revised student promotion policy. In this policy students failing in any subject will get 33% passing marks. No students the board will declare as fail. You can read the full Students New Promotion Policy 2021 SSC and HSSC. This will really help to understand the marks that the students get in this annual examinations 221.




Result of BISE Multan SSC-II Annual Exams 2021


All Boards in Punjab will announce the 10th Class 2021 Annual Result on the same day and time. Every education Board in Punjab has provided different facilities to check the online result. Before this Annual Exams 2021 12th Class Result All Punjab, the boards have announced on 14th Oct 2021. Now it is the turn for the matric students. According to policy all students who appeared in the annual exam will go through the exams. Good luck for all students. Students who will  get less than 33% marks in any paper will get 33% marks ro declare as pass. However the students who did not appear in the exams, will be declared as failed. As these students had submitted their admission forms but could not appear in the papers due to any reason.



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