BISE Lahore HSSC-I (1st Year) Annual Result 2021 Online

Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Lahore (BISE Lahore) will also declare the BISE Lahore HSSC-I (1st Year) Annual Result 2021. The Lahore board delayed the results due to the delay in the approval of the promotion policy of students SSC and HSSC. At least the provincial cabinet of Punjab has approved the promotion policy. After approval of the policy, BISE Lahore started declaring the Board results step by step. At first step, Lahore Board announced the result for class 2nd year part-II on 14th Oct, and later on 16th Oct, it announced the result of BISE Lahore SSC-II Annual Result 2021. BISE Lahore Board is announcing the result as per the given schedule:

BISE Lahore HSSC-I (1st Year) Annual Result 2021


Sr. No Description Details
1 Date of Declaration of 1st Year result 2021 29-10-2021
2 Day of Result Friday
3 Time 1000 Hrs

How to Check the Result of Class XI?


Students of BISE Lahore Education Board of class 1st Year can check their annual exams 2021 result through the following procedures:



Find Online Result Lahore Board 2021



The online result, the students, parents, and teachers can view at the given date and time. Due to the rush of visitors, there may be an issue of slow loading of the website. In this situation, they should show patience and try again and again. When the page of entering roll number appears, they should enter the required roll number and hence get the result.

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Get 1st Year Result VIA Mobile SMS



BISE Lahore has also decided to facilitate the students by submitting the result on the mobile numbers. The students of the Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Lahore can just send SMS their roll numbers to BISE Lahore at number 80029. In reply to that message, the board will send the result of the student concerned on the mobile number of the student. It is also a very simple method for the students. Especially the students, who have no internet facility, can get benefit from it. Sometimes the internet connection goes mad; it will also be useful at that moment.


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BISE Lahore HSSC-I (1st Year) Annual Result 2021


Result VIA Gazette CD



Lahore Education Board will also issue the Result Gazette CD of Class XI. The willing persons also can obtain the Result CD. To get the CD, they have to deposit charges for the same. The CD has the result of all students of HSSC-I who appeared in annual examinations 2021 from BISE Lahore. The main benefit of the CD is for the educational institutions. If they get the result from an online web portal, they get the result one by one. It takes a much time to compile the results of all students of the institutions or one class. Through CD the result of all students is on the same page.

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