Increase in Salaries All Employees December 2021 (Annual Increment)

I have prepared the chart of Increase in Salaries All Employees December 2021. with annual increment 2021. All Government employees will get the Annual Increment on 1st December 2021 except a few. Employs who are appointed on or after 2nd June, will not get the annual increment. In the same way, the employees who are promoted /upgraded on or after 2nd June will also not get this increment if they don’t use the option. In a few cases on a complaint basis, the annual increment of an employee is also held.  There are also some cases like Extra Ordinary Leave (Leave without Pay), in such cases if the leave of the employee is more than 6 months on 1st December, will also not get this increase.

Increase in Salaries All Employees December 2021


Federal and all provincial employees will get an annual increase on 1st December 2021. In addition to annual increment 2021, they will also get the following increases in Adhoc relief allowances:


  • Adhoc Relief Allowance 2017
  • Adhoc Relief Allowance 2018
  • ARA- Adhoc Relief Allowance 2019
  • Adhoc Relief Allowance 2020
  • Adhoc Relief Allowance 2021


Adhoc Relief Allowance 2017 Increase


Adhoc Relief Allowance 2017 is on the current running basic pay. It means if the basic pay increases this allowance will also increase.  Only Sindh Government granted 15% ARA-20217, all other provincial and federal Governments granted 10% Adhoc Allowance 2017.

Adhoc Relief Allowance 2018 Increase


All Governments granted ARA-2021 @ 10% of the running basic pay, so all employees of Pakistan having BPS will get the same increase.

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ARA- Adhoc Relief Allowance 2019


Sindh Government enhanced ARA-2019 @ 15% of the current running basic pay, however, all other governments of Pakistan favored the employees only with 10% of the running basic pay.


Adhoc Relief Allowance 2020


Only Sindh Government granted Adhoc Relief Allowance 2020 Sindh @ 10% to all its employees. All other governments of Pakistan did not grant any relief to the employees in the 2020 budget. So for the 1st time employees did not get any relief in the shape of an increase in salaries 2020. So only the employees of the Sindh Government will also get the benefit of this increase on 1st December 2021.

Adhoc Relief Allowance 2021


Here, also Sindh Government also excels all other Governments in the shape of Adhoc Relief Allowance 2021. Although Sindh Government did not grant Special Allowance 2021 to its employees, however, Sindh Government granted 20% ARA-2021. Other provinces and Federal Government favored the employees with only 10% ARA-2021. Punjab Govt also issued Notification of Adhoc Relief Allowance 2021 @ 10% for Punjab Govt employees. So the employees of the province of Sindh will get the most of this allowance on 1st December 2021.

Chart of Salaries Enhancement on 01-12-2021

Keeping in view the above discussion, I have prepared two different pay increase charts for Sindh Government employees and all other employees.


Salary Enhancement Chat Sindh Govt Employees


Sindh Government Employees
S. No Pay Scale No Annual Increment 2021 Inc in ARA-2017 (15%) ARA-2018 (10%) Inc in ARA-2019 (15%) Inc in ARA-2020 (10%) ARA-2021 (20%) Total Increase
1 BPS-01 290 44 29 44 29 58 494
2 BPS-02 330 50 33 50 33 66 562
3 BPS-03 390 59 39 59 39 78 664
4 BPS-04 440 66 44 66 44 88 748
5 BPS-05 500 75 50 75 50 100 850
6 BPS-06 560 84 56 84 56 112 952
7 BPS-07 610 92 61 92 61 122 1038
8 BPS-08 670 101 67 101 67 134 1140
9 BPS-09 730 110 73 110 73 146 1242
10 BPS-10 800 120 80 120 80 160 1360
11 BPS-11 880 132 88 132 88 176 1496
12 BPS-12 960 144 96 144 96 192 1632
13 BPS-13 1050 158 105 158 105 210 1786
14 BPS-14 1170 176 117 176 117 234 1990
15 BPS-15 1330 200 133 200 133 266 2262
16 BPS-16 1520 228 152 228 152 304 2584
17 BPS-17 2300 345 230 345 115 460 3795
18 BPS-18 2870 431 287 431 144 574 4737
19 BPS-19 3050 458 305 458 153 610 5034
20 BPS-20 4510 677 451 677 226 902 7443
21 BPS-21 5000 750 500 750 250 1000 8250
22 BPS-22 5870 881 587 881 294 1174 9687
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Increase in Salaries All Employees December 2021 (Annual Increment)

Salary Enhancement Chat Punjab, Federal, KPK and Balochistan Employees


Pay Increase Chart December Increment Federal, Punjab, KPK & Balochistan 01-12-2021
S. No Pay Scale Annual Increment 2021 Inc in ARA-2017 (10%) ARA-2018 (10%) Inc in ARA-2019 (10%) ARA-2021 (10%) Total Increase
1 BPS-01 290 29 29 29 29 406
2 BPS-02 330 33 33 33 33 462
3 BPS-03 390 39 39 39 39 546
4 BPS-04 440 44 44 44 44 616
5 BPS-05 500 50 50 50 50 700
6 BPS-06 560 56 56 56 56 784
7 BPS-07 610 61 61 61 61 854
8 BPS-08 670 67 67 67 67 938
9 BPS-09 730 73 73 73 73 1022
10 BPS-10 800 80 80 80 80 1120
11 BPS-11 880 88 88 88 88 1232
12 BPS-12 960 96 96 96 96 1344
13 BPS-13 1050 105 105 105 105 1470
14 BPS-14 1170 117 117 117 117 1638
15 BPS-15 1330 133 133 133 133 1862
16 BPS-16 1520 152 152 152 152 2128
17 BPS-17 2300 230 230 115 230 3105
18 BPS-18 2870 287 287 144 287 3875
19 BPS-19 3050 305 305 153 305 4118
20 BPS-20 4510 451 451 226 451 6089
21 BPS-21 5000 500 500 0 500 6500
22 BPS-22 5870 587 587 0 587 7631


Salary Enhancement Chat Punjab, Federal, KPK and balochistan Employees


Increase in Deductions


The employees will get an increase in pay but many of them have to make more deductions regarding BF and GI. Benevolent Fund and Group Insurance deduction increased with the increase of basic pay. GP Fund deduction will remain the same as it depends on Basic Pay Scale, not on basic pay.

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7 thoughts on “Increase in Salaries All Employees December 2021 (Annual Increment)

  1. I need to clear one problem. If a person gets annual increment on december (contract) and gets regularized on 27 th of decemeber. Will that one annual increment will also include in his personal allowance or the clause of having at least 6 months to get annual increment (or to include in personal allowance) will be applicable?

      1. Thank you so much . One of the clerk insists on changing my personal allowance excluding the December increment. If you know about any rule or section which clarifies this disambiguity, please do tell. I will be highly thankful . Regards


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