Special Allowance 2021 to University Employees @ 25% initial basic pay

Government of the Punjab, Higher Education Department has issued a Notification on 09-12-2021 in connection with Special Allowance 2021 to University Employees @ 25% initial basic pay of revised pay scales 2017.


Special Allowance 2021 to University Employees @ 25%


I am directed to refer to the subject cited above and to  state that the Standing Committee of the Cabinet on Finance and Development in its meeting held on 15.11.2021 considered and approved a grant of Special Allowance-202 1 @25% of

Initial Basic Pay Scale-2017 to the employees of Public Sector Universities in BS 1-19, who were not receiving any cadre/service special allowance, subject to the following conditions:


Conditions for SA 2021


  • The Special Allowance-2021 @ 25% is admissible to only those employees of Public Sector Universities in BS-01 to BS-19 who are drawing pay and allowances against relevant basic pay scale. They are not drawing any service / specific or special allowance except usual allowances viz-a-viz House Rent, Medical Allowance, Conveyance Allowance, and Ad-hoc Relief Allowance 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019.
  • The Allowance will not be admissible to those employees who are drawing fixed / lump sum pay packages or on the tenure track.
  • The said allowance will only be admissible subject to the approval/authentication by the competent fora e. Syndicate / Senate of the concerned Public Sector University in view of the available financial resources of the University as well as by the Governor Punjab /chancellor.
  • The concerned public Sector University shall arrange the additional impact, if any, within their available resources. No additional grant Government of Punjab will provide for the subject purpose.
  • To cope with additional expenditures, the Public Sector Universities will not enhance fee
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  1. The Office requests to take further necessary action in light of the above decision of the Standing Committee of the Cabinet on Finance and Development. And places the matter before the competent fora as per of provisions of Act / Ordinance and Statutes of University concerned.


Special Thanks to Mr. Sarmad Rrehan for sending the copy of the Notification.


Special Allowance 2021 to University Employees @ 25% initial basic pay


Special Allowance 2021 Punjab University employees

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