PM Assistance Package Clarification Dec 2021

Government of Pakistan, Cabinet Secretariat Establishment Division has issued an Office Memorandum on 21-12-2021 in connection with PM Assistance Package Clarification Dec 2021. The details are as under:


PM Assistance Package Clarification Dec 2021

The undersigned is directed to refer to the Office of the Military Accountant General’s U.O.No.183/AT/PC/APS-III/P-139, dated 13-06-2019 on the subject cited above and to state that the case has been examined in the light of the Prime Minister’s Assistance Package. The responses of the Establishment Division against the queries, raised by the MAG are as follow:-


Queries and Responses


Sr. No Queries Responses
Children 18 years and above All Marrried


Whether the children of a deceased who have attained the age 18 years and above, if all are married, daughters whose husbands are alive and sons if serving in government jobs are entitled to the payment of Lump Sum Grant & each payment in lieu of Plot.

Yes, Lump Sum Grant & Payment in lieu of Plot are admissible as such payments have no connection with Pension Rules.
Age of Child less than 18 years


Whether the child/children of a deceased who have the age of less than 18 years and were fully dependent on the deceased before his death are also entitled to the Lump Sum Grant and cash payment in lieu of Plot.

Yes. The child/children of a deceased who have the age of less than 18 years and were fully dependent on the deceased before his death are also entitled to the Lump Sum Grant and cash payment in lieu of Plot, in the case when the spouse of the deceased employee has also expired.
Payment in lieu of Plot divided equally?


Whether the payment of Lump Sum Grant and cash payment in lieu of Plot among children, if payable, the department will divide equally according to Succession certificate of Court of Law in which the share of children has been specified.

In case, where Widow/widower of the deceased employee is alive, the payment of Lump Sum Grant and cash payment in lieu of Plot shall be given to the spouse. In the case where the widow/widower is not alive, the said payments shall be divided equally among the children.
Full Payment to Guardian?


Whether the full payment, Department can make to the guardian whom court appoint, where some of the children have already attained the age of maturity after the court verdict.

In the case where children are below 18 years, the payments can be made to the guardian appointed by the court whereas the children who have already attained the age of 18 years or more, their payments shall be made directly to them.

Special Thanks: Shahahan Zulfiqar


PM Assistance Package Clarification Dec 2021

Prime Minister Assistance Package 2021 Clarification

See also  Instructions regarding Dealing with Cases for Creation of OSD Posts for Provision of Salary to the Family of Deceased

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