Increase in Pay & Allowances 2022 and Other Demands of the Employees

Nowadays the demand for an Increase in Pay & Allowances 2022 for the employees and many other demands such as up-gradation of various posts, reduction of disparity, the introduction of revised pay scales, merging of various allowances is the top trend. These demands are guanine keeping in view the current scenario. The employees and their unions are struggling hard to fulfill the promise of the Government with employees. The previous year on 10th February 2021, there was an agreement between the employees and the Government. In this agreement, there was agreed to revise the pay scales of the employees and also up-gradation of the various posts of the employees. The main purpose of the agreement was to reduce the disparity of various pay and allowances among various department s employees.

Increase in Pay & Allowances 2022 and Other Demands


The Prime Minister of Pakistan promised the employees about three years ago that he will soon increase the salaries of the employees. He said that employees have to wait just a year or so. But now it is more than three years gone. It is time to fulfill all the due demands of the employees. An increase in Pay & Allowances 2022 is the need for time.  During the previous years before the budget, I also put forth the demands to increase pay and pension in budget 2021-22. But there was a little increase. The main demands of the employees are as under:


  • Merging of Adhoc relief allowances and introduction of Revised Pay Scales 2022
  • Upgradation of Various Posts
  • Increase in House Rent Allowance
  • Increase in Conveyance Allowance
  • Medical Allowance enhancement
  • Uniformity of Mphil/Ph.D Allowance


Merging of Adhoc Allowances and Revised Pay Scales 2022


At this time, the employees of Pakistan are getting the following Adhoc/special/disparity reduction allowances:


  • Adhoc Relief Allowance 2016 @ 10% of running basic pay (Frozen wef 1st July 2017)
  • ARA 2017 @ 10% of Running Basic Pay
  • ARA-2018 @ 10% of running basic pay
  • Adhoc Relief Allowance 2019 @ 5% /10% of the running basic pay
  • ARA 2020 @ 10% of running basic pay (Only Sindh)
  • Adhoc Relief Allowance 2021 @ 10% of running basic pay
  • Special Allowance @ 25 of initial of basic pay scales 2017 (Punjab)
  • 25% Disparity reduction Allowance of running basic pay
  • In the same way, other disparity / special allowance by other provinces
See also  Conveyance Allowance for Vacations with Arrears Amount KPK


This is a huge list of special/disparity/Adhoc allowance that the employees are still getting instead of merging into basic pay. The last time the Government merged many allowances during 2017 and introduced revised pay scales in 2017. But after that, nearly 5 years gone but no revision in basic pay scales occurred. The government now should merge all the above allowances into basic pay and hence newly revised pay scales 2022 should implement. This is the main demand of the employees.


Upgradation of Posts /Clerical Staff Posts


Various posts of the same cadre/nature have different pay scales in different departments/provinces. There are many posts having different pay scales but have the same job nature. Some examples are as under:


Name of Post Federal Punjab or Other Provinces
Secondary School Teachers (SST)


BPS-17 BPS-16
Elementary School Teacher BPS-16 BPS-14
Primary School Teacher/Elementary School Teacher BPS-14/16 BPS-09/14
Superintendent BPS-16 BPS-17
Office Assistant BPS-15 BPS-16
Upper Division Clerk (UDC)/Senior Clerk BPS-11 BPS-14
Lower Division Clerk (LDC)/Junior Clerk BPS-09 BPS-11
Computer Instructor/Computer Teacher BPS-17 BPS-16

In some police departments, the constable is in BPS-05 while in others they have BPS-14. They should have the same scales.


Govt should upgrade store keeper-related posts as assistant storekeepers and storekeepers same scale and posts as a junior clerk – Mr. Waqas Asim.

There are many other posts that have different Basic Pay Scales but these have the same job description. Government should equalize the pay scales of these posts and other posts. This will reduce the disparity among the employees.


Network Administrative /System Administrative


The post of network administrator and the system administrator is on the same level with different working domains, recently HED Punjab announced uniform statutes for the public sector universities where the post of a network admin is in Bps17 and the Post of System Admin is in Bps18.

These two posts along with other IT posts like database admin, web admin should be on the same scale, in some institutes they are in 17 or in 18.

  • The Network Administrators have expertise in Routing, Switching, Managing Firewalls, Network Infrastructure LAN/WAN, segmentation, Internet Systems of organization, etc.
  • The System Administrators have expertise in Installation, configuring, managing, Servers in the data center, Data backups, Virtualization.
  • The Initial recruitment criteria of both posts are different as well as the certifications for Network Administrators and Systems Administrators is different.
  • The specific job titles of “Network Administrators” and “Systems Administrators” are required to work in parallel in their respective domains.


Increase in House Rent Allowance


The employees at this time are getting House Rent Allowance (HRA) 30%/45% of the initial revised pay scales 2008 plus a 50% increase. Although Government revised pay scales many times after 2008 their HRA Government did not increase. After 2008 the pay scales were revised during the following years:


  • Revised Pay Scales 2011
  • Basic Revised Pay Scales 2015
  • Basic Revised Pay Scales 2016
  • Revised Pay Scales 2017


It would be so that Government also keeps the HRA as per the new pay scales but it could not happen. Only in 2018 Government increase HRA 50% as well as rates of the rental ceiling for hiring in 2018. The government increased the rates of rental ceiling for hiring in 2021 but There was no increase in HRA.

The market-based rates to rent a house have increased many folds. An employee is getting just about 2000/- per month to 8000/- as HRA. At these rates, it is not possible to rent a house or even a single room. Government should look into the matter and revised the rates of House Rent Allowance minimum 305/45% on the basis of Revised Pay Scales 2022.


Increase in Pay & Allowances 2022 and Other Employees Demands


Increase in Medical Allowance


The rates of medicines and medical treatment rates are at their peak nowadays. During the revised pay scales 2015, Government increased medical allowance and fixed Rs. 1500/- per month minimum. The employees are getting 1500/- to 2000/- as medical allowance. In this amount, it is not possible for the employee to manage the medical treatments of him or his family. Just the visit fee of the doctor is a minimum of 1000/- to 1500/-. The expenses of laboratories test and medicine prices are on the other side. You can say that a simple medical treatment visit to a doctor may cost a minimum of 8000/-. So Government should revise the rates of medical allowance to a minimum of 10000/- per month.


Enhancement of Conveyance Allowance


Last time, the Government increased conveyance allowance in 2012 and 2014. You can see the history of an increase in conveyance allowance since 1987. After that Government did not raise the rates of CA. Although the rates of fuel charges increased many times and nowadays the rates of petrol are about 150/- per litter. If an employee travels in his car 20 KM per duty to the office and back to home, his total cost per month goes to Rs. 10,000/- and maintenance charges are extra. The employees request the Government to increase conveyance allowance minimum Rs. 10,000/- per month instead of Rs. 5000/- PM. Government should fix a minimum of 5000/- Conveyance Allowance for the employees of BPS-01 to BPS-16.


Sr. No Employees Existing CA Demand of CA
1 BPS-01 to BPS-04 Rs. 1785/- Rs. 5,000/- PM
2 BPS-05 to BPS-10 Rs. 1932/- Rs. 5,000/- PM
3 BPS-11 to BPS-15 Rs. 2856/- Rs. 7000/- PM
4 BPS-16 & Above Rs. 5000/- Rs. 10,000/- PM


M.Phil Allowance/Ph.D Allowance


At this time, the rates of M.Phil Allowance are different in various provinces. Some employees are getting Rs. 2500/- per month and at some places it is Rs. 5000/-. In the same way, Ph.D. in some provinces is Rs. 5000/- at others Rs. 10000/- and in some provinces/departments its rates of Ph.D. Allowance Rs. 25,000/- per month. Government should uniform the rates of Ph.D. Allowance and MPhil Allowance all over Pakistan.

All Governments should grant M.Phil. Allowance to all MS Degree holders as MS Degree is equivalence to M.Phil – Asif Majeed.


Demand to Increase in Pension


The serving employees got DRA-2021 @ 25% and DRA-2022 @ 15% in March 2021 and March 2022 respectively. But the other categories, the most affected ones of the dearness, are the pensioners. Pensioners did not get an increase in pension during the said periods. Pensioners’ pensions also did not increase at a reasonable level. The pension of the pensioners also should increase and this is the demand of the pensioners.


Other Demands of the employees


There may be other demands of the employees. If you think there is any other reasonable demand of the employees, you can email me the details at the following email ID so that I may update the posts with the due demands of the employees. You can email as under:



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