Shahadat-ul-Almia Equivalent to MA Arabic and Islamic Studies – LHC Bahawalpur Bench Decision

Lahore High Court Bahawalpur Bench has issued an order sheet on 22-02-2022 in connection with Shahadat-ul-Almia Equivalent to MA Arabic and Islamic Studies. The details are as under:

Order Sheet Regarding Shahadat-ul-Almia Equivalent to MA Arabic and Islamic Studies


Former, while relying upon order dated 26-04-2018 passed by the Honourable Supreme Court of Pakistan in CP No.139-L of 2012 contends that degree of Shahadat ul Almia has been recognized as equivalent to M.A. Arabic and Islamic Studies, which fact has not been considered by the learned Single Judge in Chamber while passing the impugned order.

  1. at this juncture, learned Assistant Advocate General has no objection if the matter is remitted to Chief Executive Officer, District Education Authority, Rahim Yar Khan/respondent No.4 for reconsideration regarding grievance of the appellants.
  2. be that as it may, appellants are directed to approach respondent No.4, who will look into the grievances of the appellants and pass a fresh order within one month, without being influenced by an order dated 15-12-2021 passed by learned Single Judge in the chamber.
  3. With the above observations, this ICA stands disposed of.


  • Date of Order/Proceedings: 22nd February 2022
  • ICA No. 17 of 2022 Abdul Hameed and Others Vs Government of the Punjab and Others
  • Honourable Judge: Masud Abid Naqvi


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Shahadat-ul-Almia Equivalent to MA Arabic and Islamic Studies

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