Pensioners Mr. A and Mr. B with Same Service, Retirement but Different Amount of Pension

I am here sharing the details of Pensioners Mr. A and Mr. B with the Same Service, Retirement but Different Amount of Pension. The details of variance of pension with examples for two pensioners having the same data is as under:


Different Amount of Pension for Persons having the same Date of Retirement, Emoluments


  1. Today I am giving below the case of Mr. B, a retired government servant from Karachi, who explains that his qualifications, length of service, retirement date, emoluments, and gross/net pension are identical to those of Mr. A ( his neighbor).  And yet Mr. A is getting a pension of 23% more than the pension of B.  So here is the story of Mr. B in his own words.
  2. My name is B.  I live in Karachi with my neighbor Mr. A.  He and I were born on the same date, completed our education together, got employment on the same date, retired on the same pay scale, with the same emoluments on the same date.  Amounts of our gross and net pension were the same, to begin with, as explained below:




# Pension data of     à A B
1 Retired on 1-Jan-14 1-Jan-14
2 Emoluments 10,000.00 10,000.00
3 Service years 31.00 31.00
4 Gross Pension 7,000.00 7,000.00
5 Commuted 35% 2,450.00 2,450.00
6 Commutation years 12.3719 12.3719
7 Net Pension 65% 4,550.00 4,550.00
8 From 1 July 2014 5,005.00 5,005.00

Pensioners Mr. A and Mr. B with Same Service, Retirement but Different Amount of Pension

  1. At the time of joining government service, we both had offers of appointment from the Government of Sindh, and from the Government of Pakistan.  Mr. A decided to join the Government of Sindh, whereas I opted to join the Federal Government.  When we retired on 1 Jan 2014, we were drawing the same pay and allowances and our Gross Pension was calculated to be the same.  We both received a commutation value of 12.3719 years.  We both are waiting for the expiry of 12 years period after which our commuted parts of pension will be restored In Sha Allah.
  2. And we both received the same amount of commutation value of pension, and our net pensions after the 1.7.2014 increase were the same, viz. Rs.5,005.
  3. I noticed with some concern that the net pension of Mr. A was somewhat more (say about Rs.100) than mine from 1 July 2015.   The amount is rather a petty one, I did not consider it worthwhile to investigate the reasons for that small difference.
  4. Well, the difference continued to increase year after year.  The amount of difference kept on increasing from Rs.138 on 1.7.2016 to Rs.1,995 on 1.7.2021.  In terms of percentage, Mr. A got 7% more from 1.7.2017, and then the percentage of the excess over my pension rose to the 23% level on 1.7.2021.
  5. Perplexed with this great difference in our pensions, despite having started at the same figures, I sought the help of some learned friends.  I was then informed that the Government of Sindh has been more liberal than the Federal government in giving increases to pensioners.  Details are as under:-
See also  Pension to Widowed Daughter & Divorced Daughter-KPK

                                                                Govt. of Sindh               Federal govt.

  1. Increase from 1.7.2015                       10%                             7.5%
  2. Increase from 1.7.2017                       15%                             10%
  3. The increase from 1.7.2020                       10%                             Nil


The logic and reasoning behind the Federal government being less liberal than the Government of Sindh are beyond my comprehension.  The hard and irrefutable facts remain:




(i) Mr. A and I started with the same amount of pension.  In both cases, the Pension Sanctioning Authority held that the service was satisfactory and both of us were allowed the same amount of pension.

(ii) We are living in the same locality in Karachi, and the rising cost of living is equally affecting badly both of us.

(iii) The Government of Sindh has practically been more liberal in giving relief to its pensioners in view of the rising cost of living.

(iv) The Government of Pakistan has not been as liberal as the government of Sindh, with the result that thousands of pensioners (otherwise equally placed insofar as emoluments, length of service, gross and net pension amounts, and cost of living are concerned) now wish they had served the Sindh government.

  1. I realize that wishful thinking at this retired stage of my life is not going to provide any relief.  What actually is needed is that the Federal government may grant us at least the same benefits which have been allowed by the Sindh government.




The federal government may have pity on the thousands of its pensioners (who have been receiving a comparatively lower pension from 1 July 2015 onward) and allow the same benefits to its pensioners also.  If financial limitations do not permit equal treatment with Sindh government pensioners from 1.7.2015 (in view of large amounts of arrears involved), then the increase in pension from 1.7.2021 may kindly be allowed by that percentage which should result in the same amount of pension for both governments’ pensioners from 1.7.2021.

See also  Notification of Clarification Pension Payment to Divorced Daughter

Sr. No  Pension data of    à  C =(A-B)  Excess A / B % 
1 Retired on 1-Jan-14 1-Jan-14 nil
2 Emoluments 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00
3 Service years 31.00 31.00 0.00 0.00
4 Gross Pension 7,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 0.00
5 Commuted 35% 2,450.00 2,450.00 0.00 0.00
6 Commutation period 12.3719 12.3719 0.00 0.00
7 Net Pension 65% 4,550.00 4,550.00 0.00 0.00
8 From 1 July 2014 5,005.00 5,005.00 0.00 0.00
9 From 1 July 2015 5,505.50 5,380.38 125.13 2.33
10 From 1 July 2016 6,056.05 5,918.41 137.64 2.33
11 From 1 July 2017 6,964.46 6,510.25 454.20 6.98
12 From 1 July 2018 7,660.90 7,161.28 499.62 6.98
13 From 1 July 2019 8,810.04 7,877.41 932.63 11.84
14 From 1 July 2020 9,691.04 7,877.41 1,813.64 23.02
15 From 1 July 2021 10,660.15 8,665.15 1,995.00 23.02

Comments and suggestions are welcome

Agha Amir  (0300 9800246)

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4 thoughts on “Pensioners Mr. A and Mr. B with Same Service, Retirement but Different Amount of Pension

  1. It’s a matter of fact that there might be more examples like this where the differences in pension would be available but in the later stages each and every pensioner become weak having less courage and sources to fight against such like anomalies. The Controller General of Accounts, Islamabad, being the supreme authority of Accounts of Pakistan, may look into the matter and decide for all of the pensioners whether they are provincial employees or federal govt employees.


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