Increase Pay and Pension wef 1st April 2022 PM Announced

Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Shahbaz Sharif announced Increase Pay and Pension wef 1st April 2022 for the Government employees. In the same way minimum wage rates, he also announced to increase. He also announced to restore the Benazir Income Support Program. The details are as under:


Prime Minister Announced to Increase Pay and Pension wef 1st April 2022

According to the Prime Minister’s Speech on 11th April 2022, the following packages were announced by the PM for the employees and workers of Pakistan.

Increase in Pay


As per the speech, the PM announced an increase of 10% in salary for the employees getting up to 100,000/- per month.  This increase is with effect from 1st April 2022. The important question is whether the Federal Government employees who recently got a 15% Disparity Reduction Allowance 2022, will get this 10% increase in salary.


Latest Updates as on 12-04-2022 Regarding Pay Increase


According to Miftah Ismael, there are no chances for an increase in salary in April 2022. The salary of employees increased in March 2022. The Government will increase salaries in the coming Budget 2022. Let’s wait and see further any other updates if the salary increase in April 2022.


Increase Pay and Pension wef 1st April 2022

Pension Increase


The pensioners are facing a lot of issues. The Prime Minister of Pakistan has also increased an increase of 10% pension.  The salaries of the Federal Government and provincial employees increased by 25% and 15% (For Federal) but pensions do not increase except in budget.

See also  25% Special Allowance Punjab on Initial of Revised Pay Scales 2017


Pension Increase April 2022

Minimum Wage Rates

The minimum wages rates, the PM announced @ 25,000/- per month. This step will really help the laborers.



Pay Pension Increase April 2022



Who Will Get This Increase?


There is an important question, who will get this increase in pension and pay? The clarification of the same, the concerned offices will soon issue. As the same, the Prime Minister of Pakistan announced that the federal employees are confirmed to get this enhancement. However, the Federal Government employees are also getting a 15% disparity reduction allowance wef 1st March 2022. If these employees to get this increase then these employees will be lucky enough to get two increases in two months.

       Before this previous year during Budget Shahbaz Sharif demanded 20% increase in salaries. The provinces are independent regarding granting of pay and allowances. In Sindh, it is confirmed that these employees will get this enhancement. If in Punjab, the Federal Govt announces its Government then Punjab Govt employees will also get this allowance. for Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa employees we shall have to wait.



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14 thoughts on “Increase Pay and Pension wef 1st April 2022 PM Announced

  1. Malik Muhammad Rafiq Awan · Edit

    Once Nawaz Sharif , Prime minister of Pakistan, in annual budget increase salary of 75 years age and above to the tune of 25% and others 10 or 15%, I don’t remember exactly.
    The new Prime minister is requested to consider the same for Pensioners of 75 years age and above.

  2. It is further added that some more clarification is needed, wheter this 10% increase is for those employees having 100,000 gross salary? Running Basic Salary? or Net Salary? What will be the criteria? Any one please comment


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