Notification Pension Increase April 2022 Federal Pensioners

Government of Pakistan, Finance Division has issued an Office Memorandum on 14-04-2022 in connection with Notification Pension Increase April 2022 Federal Pensioners.

Notification Pension Increase April 2022


According to this Om, the Prime Minister has been pleased to sanction an increase in Pension of the pensioners @ 10% of the net pension. The pensioners will get this increase with effect from 1st April 2022. The following categories of the pensioners will get this enhancement in pension:

  • All civil Pensioners of the Federal Government
  • Civilians paid from Defence Estimates
  • Retired Armed Forces Personnel
  • Civil Armed Personnel

  1. Here net pension means the pension the pensioner getting minus the Medical Allowance
  2. This increase in pension also includes the family pension
  3. The pensioners of the federal Govt who are residing aboard will also
  4. More details are available in the copy of the Notification of the pension increase.


Notification Pension Increase April 2022 Federal Pensioners


Before this, PM Shahbaz Sharif announced an increase in Pay and Pension wef 1st April 2022. Now the Notification of Pension increase was issued by the Federal Government. There are chances that a 10% increase in pay delayed the Govt till the Annual Budget 2022. The Federal Government may revise the pay scales in the coming budget. The reason for this same is that the previous Government did not revise the pay scales during its four years period. The last time this current Govt revised the pay scales was in 2017.  The date of announcement of the annual budget 2022-23, the Federal Government already scheduled. However final date, the Government will decide at a later stage.

See also  Increases on Gross Pension and Payment of Increased Pension from Date of Restoration Punjab

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