Provision of Record Regarding Advance Increments of MA & M.ED

Office of the District Education Officer (EEM) Rahim Yar Khan issued a letter on 20-04-2022 in connection with the Provision of Record Regarding Advance Increments of MA & M.ED. The details are as under:


Advance Increments of MA & M.ED SED Rahim Yar Khan

The Govt. Of Punjab, School Education Department Lahore No.SO(SE-III) 7-236-2010 dated 16-12-2021 and Chief Executive Officer (DEA) Rahimyarkhan 8525 dated 29-12-2021, the advance increments on the qualification of Master of Arts, Science & M.Ed may be granted to the English Teacher whose passing the above-mentioned qualification before 01-12-2001. The following record the concerned offices may submit to the office of the undersigned.


List of Record


  1. Application with the recommendation of the concerned officer.
  2. Payslips.
  3. Attested a copy of the Verification letter of Degree from the concerned university.
  4. Attested a copy of the Permanent Order.
  5. Detail of Higher qualification allowance if already drawn.
  6. A certificate from the DDO that the Degree of MA/M.Ed has been verified.


The DDO is hereby requested to attest the all documents before submitting the file to this office.


  • The District Education Officer (SE)

Rahim Yar Khan


  • All Deputy District Education Officers (EEM)

District Rahim Yar Khan


Special Thanks to Mr. Muhammad Saleem for sending the copy of the letter of Advance Increments.


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Provision of Record Regarding Advance Increments of MA & M.ED

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